View Full Version : Jim Ross Speaks on a Top Star Possibly Missing Raw

Black Widow
12-21-2008, 10:20 PM
I hope this finds every one having a great weekend. Yours truly will be heading to Toronto on Sunday to get ready for a HUGE night of WWE activities at the Air Canada Center which is essentially a sellout. There are lots of random thoughts from this end so let's get started...

First of all let's clear something up....I am not having a "war of words" with Lance Cade as a wrestling website reported in their more often than not knee jerk fashion. Understand this, I have NO issues with Lance and have expressed that time and again. He is a talented kid trained by one of my favorite people in the world, Shawn Michaels. Lance knows that if I can ever help him down the road that I will. He made a mistake. We have all made them. At my best calculation, he has been exiled from the WWE far less than me. Lance knows how to reach me if he has an issue and our relationship is healthy as far as I am concerned. When Lance was released, many websites gave false and sensationalist reports of why. I clarified the matter as best I knew it. Bottom line is that Lance Cade is a fine young man who has a great deal of talent. I have been steadfast in his corner since he came aboard the WWE, when everyone wasn't by the way, and I will remain so. I hope that Cade returns to the WWE some day to realize his potential. For those that want to make this matter more than it is, go ahead but you are making yourself look bad and creating a story where there is none.

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler will handle the voice overs for the WWE's Annual Tribute to the Troops broadcast on NBC Saturday night at 9/8 central. Lawler was flying thru Charlotte when he became a victim of the fog and had to spend the night in the airport on his way home. He text me and was not a happy camper having to sleep upright in the boarding area while fans asked him over and over if he was "the King." As I told him, "one can't grieve forever." King will leave Memphis Monday morning for his , photo finish into Toronto on Monday as, unlike his old partner, he lives in a virtual "stress free" zone.

I would say my chances of seeing one of my all time favorite hires, Trish Stratus, in TO is better than 50/50 but that doesn't necessarily mean she will appear on TV. If she does, it likely will be on Raw and it would seem that if she is available that a cameo by the multiple time, former champion would be a good thing. However, understand that I have no idea what is in store for the TV shows on Monday and that me visiting with Trish is largely my wishful thinking. Is that so wrong??

Speaking of talented Canadians, I have been enjoying the Edge DVD and his story is a compelling one as are the many, many great matches that Edge has been involved. 24 titles since '98 is damn impressive and puts the Ontario native in Hall of Fame territory when his time comes in my view. Do you disagree?

After being punted in the head ala Ray Guy (Google it, kids), I would suggest that it is doubtful that Batista will be able to be a part of Monday Night Raw this week but that's an assumption and we all know what happens when one assumes.

Orton's damaging kicks remind me of the "loaded boot" of Dr. X (Jim Osborne version) in the Mid South Wrestling days. Dr. X was one of the most underrated promo talents that many never heard verbalize.

I got a great message from Bret "Hitman" Hart a few hours ago and he said he was getting better every day after having knee replacement surgery. I challenged Bret to a foot race while he is healing but he wants to "race me around the block" once he is better. At that point I think the foot race offer will be off the table. I would love to take a camera crew to Bret's place in Hawaii and sit with Bret and do the ultimate DVD interview complete with his thoughts on many of his favorite matches that he participated in and that he observed. Playing word association with Bret on virtually dozens of wrestling's biggest names would be fun.

One of the Hitman's favorite opponents, Stone Cold Steve Austin, celebrated a birthday this past week. Steve is in south Texas enjoying his ranch and family on the Broken Skull Ranch. He will soon have a 'fridge full of JR's BBQ Sauce, Ketchup, and Jalapeņo Honey Mustard. I would suggest that 2009 will be a significant year for the Texas Rattlesnake in the film world.

Former WWE Champion Mick Foley, who is related by marriage to Oklahoma offensive line coach "General" James K. Patton, is rumored to be planning on attending the OU-Florida National Championship Game on January 8 in Miami. If so, it will be good to see my old pal and former albeit short term broadcast partner.

OU being the underdog versus the Gators suits me just fine. Florida doesn't even have to leave the state to play the game and the Sooner players hopefully can use the fact that they don't allegedly belong in the game or that they took Texas' place, etc as motivation. Sadly on one of the pieces of feedback on my weekly WWE.com Smackdown blog, a Texas Longhorn fan wrote that they "hated" OU and perhaps even me. The term dislike seems more approiate as this world has way too many "haters" in it for our own good.

"The Wrestler" is getting a ton of pub and it is likely that this film has totally resurrected Mickey Rourke's career which peaked over 20 years ago. Individuals I have talked to who have actually seen the film describe the movie in different ways. Some liked it, some didn't, some thought it was compelling, some thought it was sad, and most thought it was a story of human failure and success and not a specifically a "wrestling movie." I am anxious to see it without question. I am also of the belief, as I have stated before, that it will not adversely affect the current product whatsoever. Many kids won't be able to see it most likely as the "nudity" contained within the film would preclude youngsters from attending. Nonetheless I think the movie will certainly initiate some unique conversations about the genre of wrestling but the film having a lasting adverse affect on how many of us make a living isn't likely.

Ric Flair called me this week and he attended the premier of the film after being personally invited by Mickey Rourke who is a long time fan of "The Nature Boy." Flair said that Rourke reminded him of "one of the boys" from back in the old territory days of wrestling and was really impressed with many of the stunts that the 52 year old Rourke did in the film. Ric attended a private after party , imagine that, with Rourke, many of the cast and crew plus Chris Rock, 50 Cent, Pam Anderson and other notables at the Four Seasons which concluded at 5 a.m. I have experienced more than my share of "concluded at 5 a.m." nights with "The Naitch" which I, and my liver, somehow survived. Ric was in great spirits and has been staying really busy. Ric recently did a private autograph signing with Joe Namath and Lawrence Taylor in New York City which Ric really enjoyed. I would have loved to have gone out afterwords with those three. Ric has an exciting 2009 shaping up with some really, potentially fun projects. He indicated that without question his send off at last year's Wrestlemania globally re-established him and created so much awareness for him, his career, and his amazing legacy. After being on TV virtually every week since the mid 70's, there aren't too many folks that don't have some level of familiarity with Flair including TV and advertising executives. Ric is also doing several appearances with Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola throughout the Carolinas in the coming months. Ric is also working out weekly with his son Reid who is looking to establish a wrestling career ala his Dad which won't be easy to say the least. It seems that Reid and Ric's older son David will be involved in plenty of tag bouts in '09. Ric traveling with his sons will be interesting as the WWE HOF'er will always cast a massive shadow that some day his sons will have to step out of, if they can. There's no hurry for that to occur but every son of a famous wrestler has to be able to establish their own identity even though many have failed at doing so.

We are working on our Q & A section which seems to be having issues as the dozens and dozens of responses I made have mysteriously disappeared into internet hell. Plus, our webmaster has apparently been kidnapped but I feel certain that he will reappear and that the problem will be corrected soon. Thanks for your patience and keep your questions coming.

We also appreciate the business that many of you sent our way and we are planning even more promotions and special offers after the first of the year so keep an eye on our on line store here on this very site. Happy Holidays!

Boomer Sooner!



12-22-2008, 02:54 AM
very nice thanks for the read Ryan

12-22-2008, 03:06 AM
thx for the read

12-22-2008, 02:19 PM
Thanks for posting.