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View Full Version : Major Update On Trish Stratus's Return: Is She Back For Good?

12-24-2008, 05:19 PM
Jim Ross posted the following in a recent blog regarding Trish Stratus's return to the WWE this past Monday on Raw:

"It was great Monday getting a few moments to visit with Trish Stratus who still looks awesome, her husband HAS to be the luckiest man in Canada, and the hometown fans in TO really loved seeing the former 7 time WWE Womens Champion. Trish really strengthened the competition within the Divas when she was wrestling full time and is arguably the greatest female performer of the modern era. She would get my vote. I don't think that Trish is interested in getting back on the road full time but perhaps she could be convinced to make a few more special appearances. I would love to see more of her....that didn't come out just right...as she adds "star power" to any event in which she is involved.

I have written about it before but I vividly remember Trish's first WWE interview in my office in Stamford and when she left I had the feeling we had just found someone special. Luckily, I was right on that one. The utilization of Trish Monday night was extremely effective as the fans have made an emotional investment in her over the years and ate up the fact that Trish was going to be competing in a rare and unique wrestling match. Perhaps the WWE can find a way to make Trish a part of WM25 in Houston in April of 2009."

You can read the rest of Jim Ross's blog in its entirety by clicking HERE ( http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/post-toronto-thoughtsnew-q-are-uphodge-vs-anglemerry-christmas-all).

12-25-2008, 01:18 AM
thanks for this Eel