View Full Version : Who will be in the next big feud?

Triple G
12-25-2008, 03:48 PM
So, in WWE this past year we have seen many wrestlers in many feuds, some have been great whilst others have been abismal. So i beg the question, who will be in the next big feud? Will we see a mid card feud with say Evan Bourne and Mike Knox, or will we see a feud between Kane and John Cena?

I would probably build up John Morrison as a main contender to one of the championship belts, but have him continuously get screwed over on the months leading up to the royal rumble, then when it comes time for the match he is eliminated by Shawn Michaels as the fourth from last elimination, then have Shawn and the other two people in the ring go for a little while longer before Shawn gets tossed over the ropes. Then in the next few weeks have Morrison complain about being eliminated by a has been, claiming he is the future of the company and Shawn cost him his chance at being the next champion. And then the two finally come to a head at WrestleMania.

Why would I pick those two? Because I honestly beleive that Shawn and Morrison would be able to put on a match that would steal the show at WrestleMania, I wouldn't have it over a belt because it would take away from the match IMO

So what do you think will be the next big feud?

12-27-2008, 10:19 PM
I would also say MVP and Kennedy for the pluging of his movie during MVP's matches.