View Full Version : Kelly Kelly Responds To Critics, Lilian Update, Candice Frustrate

12-29-2008, 01:31 PM
WWE Magazine has an interview with Kelly Kelly and she responds to people who say she doesn't belong in a wrestling ring. Does it grind your gears when people pigeonhole Kelly Kelly as nothing more than a buxom blonde with no place in a WWE ring? "It pisses me off. I’ve been training since the day I was hired, and I’ve paid dues every step of the way. I moved to Kentucky to train in OVW, then to Tampa to continue training in FCW and now I've finally gotten the chance to show people what I can do." She also talks about her gymnastic background, a WWE Diva calling her the hardest-hitting Diva in the locker room, which WWE Superstar taught her the most, and more.

As noted earlier, ring announcer Lilian Garcia missed last Monday's Raw in Toronto, her first absence on the show in a year and a half. I can confirm that she was on winter vacation in Spain for a few days this past week, hence her absence from Monday's Raw. She will be back at this Monday's show in Manchester, New Hampshire. Garcia resided in Madrid, Spain for the first eight years of her life due to her father's employment with the American Embassy, and was schooled on an American military base, leading her to describe herself as a "military brat" as well as "La Esponola Boricua" (the Puerto Rican Spaniard).

In case you haven't noticed, Candice Michelle hasn't wrestled on Raw in over a month. Her last in-ring appearance took place on 11/24 in a six-diva tag match. She's made subsequent appearances since then, but nothing too important. It's also interesting to note that she's wrestled in a grand total of two singles matches on television since her return from injury at the start of September. It would appear that her push ended at the No Mercy pay-per-view following her loss to WWE Women's Champion Beth Phoenix. Since then, all of the focus has been taken off of her, and she's only been used in a wrestling capacity as a throw-in for Diva tag matches. Candice posted a blog on the WWE Universe site talking about her standing in the organization, and apparently hinting that she lost her passion somewhere along the way -- which she has since found again. "Raw has the new me to look forward to at the new year!" Candice wrote. "I have found that fire and passion again, and without that you've lost the fight even before it has begun!" She acknowledges her rough past year, but is looking forward to the new year so she can come back and become one of the top Divas again. "Everyone knows I've had a journey and even coming back has been a new chapter of learning for me!" Candice wrote. "I've gone back to my roots of having 'faith.' It's hard to get over in the WWE but it's even harder to get back over again!"


12-29-2008, 05:06 PM
Candice is useless. I don't see why she still has a job.

12-29-2008, 11:00 PM
Posted Already: