View Full Version : *Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Taping Results Airing {2/01/09}

12-31-2008, 03:24 AM
* A new video on the WWE Universe is shown.

* A Tribute to the Troops video package is shown.

Dark Match:
* R-Truth b. Ryan Braddock
- R-Truth comes out to a big pop. Braddock comes out to a little heat. Truth gets the win via pinfall after a scissor kick.

WWE SmackDown: (Airing Friday)
* Jim Ross and Tazz come out to do commentary.

* SmackDown begins with Justin Roberts in the ring. He announces Vickie Guerrero and she comes out to lots of heat. She announced that Jeff Hardy will face Edge at Royal Rumble for the WWE Championship. When she is about to leave, Triple H comes out. He receives a huge pop from the live audience. Hunter wishes Vickie a Happy New Year and then asks her about the Royal Rumble entrants. He makes fun of her until she gives in and lets him in the rumble. He then says she has nude pictures on eBay. Vickie runs out of the ring to the back.

* An Umaga return promo video is shown.

* The Great Khali & Finlay b. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins
- Hornswoggle comes to the ring with Finlay. The Great Khali comes out to a new entrance theme with Ranjin Singh. Khali gets the win with the Khali Bomb. After the match Finlay & Hornswoggle beat up on Ryder & Hawkins. The Great Khali, Ranjin Singh, Finlay, and Hornswoggle all dance in the ring.

* Eve interviews Michelle McCool. She blames Maria for her loss. Eve asks her to apologize and she refuses.

* Vickie and Edge are backstage talking about her nude photos. Big Show says he's seem them. Show and Edge get in an argument.

* The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel Jackson b. Jesse & Festus
- Ezekiel Jackson hits his finisher on Jesse and gets the win via pinfall.

* Vladimir Kozlov b. Hurricane Helms
- Quick match. Kozlov gets the win with his chokeslam finisher. Several boring chants are heard throughout the crowd.

* A Behind Enemy Lines video promo is shown.

* Another Tribute to the Troops video package is shown.

* Jim Ross is in the ring and announces that Triple H, Big Show, Vladimir Kozlov, and Shelton Benjamin are in the Royal Rumble. Benjamin comes out and says he should be announced as the winner and that no one compares to him. The Undertaker comes out a chokeslams him. Taker receives a huge pop.

* A Kizarny promo is shown. It says he will debut tonight.

* Michelle McCool comes out and apologizes to Maria and Eve. She then attacks Eve with the microphone.

* Vickie Guerrero & Chavo are backstage. Triple H interrupts. Vickie tells Hunter that he's going to compete in a Triple Jeopardy Match on next week's SmackDown: 1) A Table Match 2) A Handicap Match 3) A Last Man Standing Match

* Kizarny b. MVP in a short match.
- Lots of boring chants are heard throughout the arena.

* Ken Kennedy comes out a cuts a promo. He makes fun of MVP and talks about Behind Enemy Lines.

* A Royal Rumble preview is shown.

* Edge comes out and cuts a promo saying that Jeff Hardy is an embarrassment as WWE Champion. He says after the Rumble that he will be WWE Champion. Edge says he gets blamed for everything but when Jeff loses - blame him. This leads to Matt & Jeff Hardy vs. Big Show & Edge.

* WWE Champion Jeff Hardy & ECW Champion Matt Hardy b. Edge & Big Show
- Matt Hardy hit Twist of Fate and Jeff hit the Swanton to get the three count.

Source: WNW

12-31-2008, 01:59 PM
Matt hardy actually won... And in a Main Event also!