View Full Version : *Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Taping Results Airing {9/01/09}

12-31-2008, 02:30 PM
WWE SmackDown: (Airing Next Friday)
* Triple Jeopardy Match 1: Triple H b. John Morrison in a Table Match
- Triple H got the win by putting John Morrison through a table. The Miz came out and distracted Hunter while Chavo attacked him from behind. They through him through a table. The refs help Hunter to the back.

* Vickie tells Triple H backstage that he has one match down, three to go.

* The Undertaker b. Shelton Benjamin with a Tombstone.

* The Bella Twins b. Victoria & Michelle McCool
- Typical divas match. The twins win via pinfall. After the match Michelle attacks Victoria with her finisher.

* Triple Jeopardy Match 2: Triple H b. The Miz & Chavo Guerrero in a Handicap Match
- Triple H gets the win after hitting a pedigree on The Miz. After the match, Vickie is shown on the screen saying that Hunter has two down one to go. She says his next match will be a Last Man Standing match against Big Show.

* MVP's V.I.P. Lounge is up next with Ken Kennedy as the special guest. Kennedy calls for the mic. He says that it's embarrassing how MVP comes out every week and loses. Kennedy says he is trying to inspire MVP to stop losing. MVP gets mad. The ring crew comes in and takes away the furniture. Kennedy makes fun saying that it's being repossessed and that things can be worse. The Boogeyman comes out from under the ring and slams MVP. MVP retreats.

* Carlito & Primo Colon b. The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel Jackson to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship
- Carlito hits the backstabber on The Brian Kendrick and gets the win via pinfall.

* Triple Jeopardy Match 3: The Big Show b. Triple H in a Last Man Standing Match
- Big Show dominates early on. The crowd brings Triple H to life. He finally reverses Big Show and hits a pedigree. He gets a 9 count and Big Show gets up. Hunter knocks Big Show back out for a 8 count. Big Show finally gets back up and chokeslams Hunter through the announce table. He gets up after the 9 count. Big Show delivers a knockout punch to get the 10 count. This concludes SmackDown.

Source: WZ

12-31-2008, 09:21 PM
Thanks for this.

12-31-2008, 11:33 PM
I thought Kizarny was suppose to be having his long awaited Debut

01-01-2009, 10:30 PM
I thought Kizarny was suppose to be having his long awaited Debut

They did two tapings last week. I believe Kizarny debuted on the 1-2-09 taping that preceded this one.

01-02-2009, 01:54 AM
so he comes 2morrow?

01-02-2009, 03:41 AM
indeed, look at the spoilers one post down.
