View Full Version : WWE Raw/ECW House Show Results (1/02/08) - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Black Widow
01-03-2009, 04:12 PM
RAW and ECW were at the BankAtlantic Center in Sunrise (Ft. Lauderdale), Florida tonight.

Arena was pretty packed. About 75 to 80% packed.

Tony Chimel welcomes everybody.

Match #1 Dolph Ziggler v. Kofi Kingston

Ziggler gets heat by telling the crowd his name and says we'll never forget the name by the end of 2009. Kofi gets a good pop. The match was less than stellar. Too many rest holds by Ziggler. After about 15 minutes, Kingston hits the Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Teddy Long addresses the crowd and talks about the Royal Rumble. Tiffany is in the crowd and asks a kid who won last year's Rumble. The kid answers Cena and he gets ringside seats.

Match #2 Cryme Tyme v. John Morrison & The Miz for World Tag Titles

Good pop for both teams. Shad goes into the crowd during their intro. M&M finally gets heat when they parade in the ring showing off their titles. Morrison throws his jacket into Chimel's face. The match has Shad playing damsel in distress. Eventually Miz hits the Reality Check on JTG for the win.

Match # 3 CM Punk v. William Regal w/Layla for IC Title

Punk gets the loudest pop so far. Regal gets a lot of boos. There were a few botched spots. Regal wins with a kick to Punk's head.

Match # 4 Jack Swagger v. Matt Hardy for ECW Title

Swagger addresses the crowd. Talks about how good he looks and poses for us, showing off his pearly whites. He says he's a role model and he's beaten all of our heroes since arriving in the WWE. Nice promo. Matt Hardy gets biggest pop now. Match starts and Swagger rolls out of the ring to get heat. A decent back and forth match. Hardy goes for Twist of Fate, Swagger reverses and attempts gut-wrench powerbomb. Hardy reverses that and hits Twist of Fate for the win.

Tony Chimel is in the ring pushing the merchandise areas and is interrupted by a bearded Santino. Santino says that his beard is 3 days old. Goes on to say that Batista is lucky he's injured because Santino is the new animal. He gives an open challenge. Boogeyman comes from under the ring, pump handle slam on Santino and then Boogey treats him to some worms.

Match #5 Melina v. Beth Phoenix for Women's Championship

This match was after intermission and some people weren't back yet. This was the quietest match of the night. Beth showed a lot of power. Melina got in some offense but lost to the Glam Slam.

Match #6 Mike Knox & Kane v. Rey Mysterio & HBK

Knox got booed but Kane was given a hero's welcome. Standing ovation for Mysterio and HBK. During the match HBK was vintage Flair with the chopblocks, slaps, and figure four. Double 619 by Rey and Shawn hits Super Kick on Knox to get the pin.

Main Event: Randy Orton v. John Cena for World Heavyweight Title

I didn't hear any boos for Orton but the cheers weren't that overwhelming. Cena was definitely pop of the night. Orton dominated most of the match. He did his methodical stomps and headlocks. Interesting part of the match happened when Cena was outside the ring.

Orton rolled out the ring and began jawing with a man in the front row. The guy was in Santino's Italia shirt and had multiple signs all night. Apparently the guy most have said some truly mean stuff because Orton got right in his face. Then Orton threw Cena into the stairs and pointed out his action to the fan. He then got back into the fan's face and the argument continued. Security soon rushed to the area and the match continued. Or so we thought. The fan was being escorted and he wasn't going quietly. He was slamming the guard rail and wouldn't let go as three or four officers pulled on him. Orton was in the ring shouting at him to get out of the arena. Eventually the guy was taken out, his wife started cursing Orton. Someone threw a drink in the ring that hit the ref. Orton told her to get out too and she was sent out.

Orton got tremendous heat from the fans. Back to the match. Cena gets in control but Orton hits RKO out of nowhere. Orton takes too long for the cover and Cena kicks out. Two minutes later, F-U, Cena wins.

After the match Cena says he likes this crowd because they are ruthless. He talks about Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. Says that he likes the fact that one of his friends were ruthless enough "to want to kick Randy Orton's ass."

Biggest Pop

Biggest Heat
Orton (after the fan ejection)
