View Full Version : Jim Ross Blog - Sat, 01/03/2009 - 5:24pm

Black Widow
01-04-2009, 05:43 PM
Happy New Year to all! Thanks to those of you who emailed us happy Birthday wishes as they are appreciated. However, as The King would say, "One can't grieve forever" as we move on with random thoughts.

It looks as if the UFC might soon be cleared to promote events in New York state which, as a UFC fan, I perceive to be a good thing. The UFC would bring in much needed new revenue into the state and under these current economic times I can't see why any state would take steps to prevent the UFC from promoting and adding to the economy. Madison Square Garden is the mecca of American arenas and one would think that a UFC event there is inevitable at some point in the next year or two. There is simply no viable reason of which I am aware why the New York State Athletic Commission should attempt to block UFC events in their state. Based on what I do know, for the NY commission to not grant the UFC a license seems ill advised. MMA could well generate more money for the commission in New York than big time boxing is likely to do for the foreseeable future.

The UFC is also looking to promote events in Toronto which also seems like a no brainer. Again, how the politicos of Ontario could turn their head on new revenue in their Province would be a head scratcher. MMA is huge in Canada and a major, UFC PPV could be a huge financial windfall for Toronto.

The officiating in the UFC seems to have come under some degree of fire lately. This matter doesn't completely shock me as the officiating in many MMA fights that I have watched on TV seems, at times, to be inconsistent. I have often wondered about some of the judgment calls that I have seen in certain fights. One has to assume that the UFC has in place or is developing an infrastructure for their officials that allows on going training for established officials and for new referees, as well. Any sport that utilizes judgment calls as much as MMA does, and that is simply the nature of the sport, needs to make sure that their officials are busy, under constant review, and receive on going training. The one thing this growing sport doesn't need is for their officiating to become an issue any more than is inevitable.

Brock Lesnar is an early, heavy favorite over Frank Mir for their fight in 2009 which should serve Mir well as he prepares to try and beat Lesnar for the second time. Nonetheless if Lesnar stays as focused as he has been in continuing to refine his MMA skills, Brock will be hard for any one to dominate much less beat. However, as we specifically saw on the last UFC PPV, it only takes one big punch or one major mistake to cost a competitor. The first Lesnar vs. Mir fight is a good illustration of that reality. The unpredictability of the outcome of fights in MMA is one of its greatest selling points.

Lesnar is the hottest thing in MMA, a man many MMA purists will continue to pay big dollars to see get his clock cleaned. If the gifted, big man continues to dominate people it becomes a guarantee that Lesnar will end up being a mega, fan favorite. Until then, Lesnar will remain the "former WWE Champion" until the MMA community decides to accept Brock into their family. Until then Lesnar can remain the UFC's #1 villain and enjoy that distinction all the way to the bank.

I talked to my old friend Dennis Brent today and Dennis is planning on making the old radio shows I did years ago on AM750 WSB available to fans sometime in 2009. I had a great time hosting "Wrestling with Jim Ross" on Sunday nights back in the day and had many great guests on the show. We took calls throughout the hour as well from fans. The guest list back in those days really reads like a who's who and luckily Dennis, who lives near Dallas, Texas with his wife Lynn, had the foresight to record all those shows. I don't even have copies of all of them myself. They only aired one time so they would be new content for many fans. Dennis is looking to establish a website to feature many of the photos, video and audio tapes he personally shot and recorded, and printed programs from a variety of wrestling territories that die hard and long time fans should really enjoy.

It looks as if the Legends Roundtable is back on for a January taping. I'm not 100% sure of who will be on the panel but the guests will discuss African Americans in Wrestling and Texas Wrestling Stars and Promotions. Hopefully, Bombastic Bill, the large Cowboy, Bill Watts will be involved in this effort as he always has plenty to say.

Jeff Hardy's face paint has given the WWE Champion a distinctive look. The paint may be reminiscent to some fans of the Warrior, Sting, Road Warriors, the Great Muta etc but it feels new again to me. I expect fans to start paint their faces and one would think that the WWE might even come out with a Hardy mask ala the Rey Mysterio masks that are now available. Jeff is really "hot" right now.

The potential of the Friday Night Smackdown Divas feels somewhat untapped to me but the change in demeanor for Michelle McCool feels like the WWE is doing the right thing with her persona. The fans in Jersey last week responded well to McCool's antics which means that particular live audience made an emotional investment in the character which is the first step in any successful, creative process. In theory, the Smackdown Divas should be able to contribute more to the broadcasts if they are presented with opportunity and take advantage of it.

We updated a ton of new Q&A's over the past couple of days for your review elsewhere on this site.

The Mrs. and I will be off to Miami next week to hopefully see an Oklahoma victory over the talented Florida Gators for the National Title on January 8. If OU were to win, it would be their 8th National Title. The Sooners are a 3 point underdog to UF in a game that will feature a big time, partisan Florida crowd. I am really proud of this team and the character they have displayed this yea. I'm also relieved that my friend and OU head coach Bob Stoops is not a candidate for the vacant, Denver Broncos head coaching job.

Thanks for checking out our site and have a great weekend.

Boomer Sooner!



01-04-2009, 07:26 PM
Thanks for the read.