View Full Version : Update On The House Show Incident Involving Randy Orton

01-04-2009, 07:32 PM
WNW reader Chris sent this follow-up to an earlier report of an incident involving Randy Orton at last night's Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Raw house show. Below is his update:

Just wanted to clarify a little about the Randy Orton fan incident at the Ft. Lauderdale house show last night. The report you have is mostly true but inaccurate simply because the person sending it wasn't as close (which he admits). I had a much closer seat to the incident...

The incident was very much like he said, except Orton never touched the fan and the drink that was thrown was not thrown by the same fan, as it was clearly thrown from several rows behind him. And when the drink was thrown, the fan was already going at it with security. The fan proceeded to fight back against several security guards, one of which was a female. At this point, several police officers came over and the man was dragged away while fighting back aggressively. I didn't see a tasing happening but I wouldn't doubt that it happened as the man had to definitely be subdued.

While I don't condone the incident...as a long time fan, I have to say that I was proud to see Randy Orton able to incite this much emotion from a crowd. This is the type of genuine heel heat that long time fans have heard of from old time heels such as Freddy Blassie, Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, Iron Sheik, and others. Its a shame that this went so far, but I hope the WWE realizes that Randy Orton has become one impressive heel.

Source: WNW