View Full Version : Matt Hardy Comments On New Year's Eve Party, His Busy Schedule, More

01-05-2009, 09:03 PM
Matt Hardy has a new blog on his MySpace page that he just updated from a hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Below are the blog highlights:

- Finally.. I'm back, HA! We had a blast at Shane's on New Year's Eve, we did it up right yo! The party ended around 7 a.m. and I ended up in bed around 8:30 a.m. I gotta do something about this lack of sleeping issue. The next day I was trying to catch up on real-life things and ended up going to bed in the wee hours of the night again.. And had to get up and catch a flight to Fort Lauderdale to go to work the next day, UGH! Everything turned out alright though, I even got to see my friend Eric Rob, the guy who is responsible for the actually Hardy Show website. After the show, I planned on getting a quick bite to eat, and then getting a decent night's sleep because I had to fly to New Orleans at 7:30 a.m. the next morning. Didn't happen, HAHA! I ended up going straight to the airport and sleeping on the plane, landing in New Orleans, and then driving 202 miles to Lake Charles, LA, where the show was that night. I immediately checked in to a beloved Hampton and got in a 3 hour power nap. And still walked out as the ECW Champ after a successful title defense. I'm a very lucky guy, a large percentage of people would probably sacrifice a limb to lead my life, LOL! But to be fair, I've busted my ass for years to have the opportunity to lead this crazy lifestyle. And although I sometimes bitch, but.. I love it!

- I'm maxin' (yes, I said maxin') in the Hampton in Baton Rouge right now, enjoying a little down time. I just watch The Wrestler tonight. All I can say is WOW, it's an amazing piece of cinema that you will feel, Whether it's good or bad, you will feel it. I can think of several 80's performers that fit a similar mold. One thing I can say though, regardless of what anyone says, the business has evolved. The guys and gals are so much more intelligent and responsible in this day and age then they were in the 80's/early 90's. And that's a good thing. A very good thing.

- To close things out, I actually ran into a psychic in Southern Pines who gave me a free reading in exchange for a couple autographed photos. The psychic said I'd professionally reach levels higher than anyone thinks possible for me in 2009, and that this would be my most rewarding year ever. She also said I would get injured ad possibly have surgery this year, although it wouldn't be very serious. She also said I would find the woman that I'll be with for the rest of my life this year (that one kinda freaked me out ;-)). She also said I'd be building a new home or a structure that I'll virtually live in at times. Ironically enough, I just starting setting up a deal to have a huge building built on my property behind my house that will have guest-rooms, a gym, a ring eventually, and will be the home of all my parties from now on. WOW. She actually pegged that one with no way of knowing. Those are some pretty heavy prediction from a pretty credible psychic. I guess we'll see..

- By the way, one of my resolutions for 2009 is to train better, eat better, and sleep better-two outta three ain't bad, HAHA! But in all seriousness, I'm dedicating myself to get back in tip-top shape. It was very frustrating being so banged up the last few months. Maybe some of you folks wanna do it with me.. Just an idea, just throwing it out there. Be well guy and gals, I'm gonna be back soon with soon heavy, deep, thought-provoking stuff..

Click here ( http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=152686889&blogID=460461724) to read the blog in its entirety.