View Full Version : Randy Orton Discusses his Shoulder Problems,Favorite Match....More

06-24-2006, 12:20 AM
Randy Orton was just on Sky Sports News over here, I've written a recap for my site, so I thought I'd pass it along. Feel free to mention that there's caps and download on my site:

Randy finally made an appearance on Sky Sports News, today over here in the United Kingdom! The Legend Killer helped to promote the Vengeance pay per view, this Sunday. We get a shot of Randy and are told that he will be up next, following a commercial.

Back after break, Randy looks larger than on WWE television. Intros as Randy says, "Thanks for having me." He says he's over in London doing PR work for WWE, promoting the Vengance PPV where he's facing Kurt Angle. He's out to get Kurt because at a PPV a couple of weeks back Kurt sure did "clean his clock," and so he owes him one back.

We then get some fan mail, as Randy answers some questions. First up, he is asked how he got into the business to which he responds, through his father, grandfather and uncle, he was born into the buisness and his father opened the door for him, but he busted through it.

Presenters speak of Randy's "sneaky moves," such as his finisher the RKO. He mentions RKO stands for his name - Randy Keith Orton, but says they can call him Randy! Female presenter gets embarassed when her male co-host mentions Randy's impressive six pack and asks how he got it. Randy says to ask the female presenter... Another e-mail now, a husband would like to know how to get more attention from his wife as she thinks Randy is very good looking? Cue Randy Orton's sentimental side as he explains that he must understand his wife's feelings, be romantic with her, take her for a meal. If he understands her, she'll understand him. Randy says he had to learn this the hard way!

Presenters mention that some people in the business believe Randy had too quick a rise to fame and within the company, especially Triple H. Randy says that Triple H had a quick rise and was fairly good looking, but not comparable to him. He says Triple H had a good physique but now he's getting a belly. Randy believes Triple H is just jealous.

There are now fans outside the studios and we cut to them as they prepare to ask Randy some questions. One fan asks who Randy's idols were growing up, he responds definitely his father and grandfather. Another fan is waiting to ask a question, "How did you feel becoming the youngest World Champion?" He says he didn't blubber, but he did have tears in his eyes.
To have a title which so many icons have had and to be the last out of the locker room, it was an honour. He rang his father and said this is for you and for his grandfather. Randy quotes this as his greatest moment.

Presenters mention Randy's recurring shoulder problems. Randy says he had surgery and he's okay now. He was born with hyper-mobility in his shoulder. He goes on to say how he dislocated it during a show (ECW, this past Tuesday) and had to pop it back into place himself. He says he's a tough individual.

Another fan question, "Are you as arrogant in real life as you are on-screen?" Orton says he's not. He also says that he's humble and knows his roots. Presenter says that he is extremely popular in the UK. Randy says he appreciates the fans. He also mentions that coming over seas gives him a buzz. Next question, "What has been your favourite match of your career?" Randy's answer is his match with Mick Foley at Backlash 2004. He mentions that he fell onto 10,000 thumb tacks and had 600 in his back and a**! He says it is his favorite match because the fans realized he was a contender and was tough.

Continuing with the questions, "You say you're the Legend Killer, which legend would you like to wrestle?" Randy mentions Hulk Hogan, he's an icon and apparently has a fake hip so that's a target area! He grew up around Hulk and what better legend to kill than a household name! A question about Vengeance now, as a fan says Kurt Angle has no chance against Randy this Sunday, "I agree with you son" is his response. Randy says like Hulk, Kurt has a target area, his previously broken neck. So really it's whoever gets the ankle or neck first who wins.

Randy mentions his fiancee, Samantha and that she's traveled with him and is currently watching from the hotel room. He says, "Hey baby! I love you!" Continuing on with the subject of Samantha, Randy says she's the greatest girl out there for him. Presenters mention the die hard fans overseas, Randy mentions London and that Samantha has been missing for six hours, shopping in Harrods with his American Express card. He hopes he
at least gets some socks!

The presenters ask Randy if he's followed the World Cup. He says he hasn't been able to because of the traveling but unfortunately the USA are out. He also mentions that he loves David Beckham and was a fan of the Spice Girls. However it wasn't the music just the ladies! He say's Victoria Beckham is gorgeous before saying that Beckham is tremendous and an all round cool guy.

The presenters agree that Randy is an "all round cool guy" too before wrapping up the interview!