View Full Version : Batista On His Inspirations, What He Thinks Of Ric Flair & More

01-15-2009, 08:58 PM
BodyBuilding.com has posted a new interview with Batista. Since the interview does not mention his recent surgery to repair a tear in his hamstring, I'm assuming that the interview was conducted before the injury. Below are the highlights:

Inspirations in the wrestling business: "There are a lot of guys that inspire me in this business; the obvious ones are Ric Flair, Triple H, The Undertaker, as well as The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin... I mean if these guys don't inspire anyone in this business you must have a screw loose and you have chosen the wrong profession. Look at what these guys have accomplished; look at what they did every single night. It's amazing; they are superhuman."

Admiration for Ric Flair: "My favorite person to work with has to be Ric Flair. He was so good and I was honestly awed by him. For me Ric Flair sits on a pedestal; I always new I was in the ring with a legend. Also he was so hysterically funny; it never seemed like work being out there with Ric because you never knew what he was going to do. It was always interesting and definitely fun."

Main strengths as a wrestler: "My main strength is my body; that's how I got my job and I don't kid myself in that regard. I owe the way I look to bodybuilding because I pursued it for so many years. That's why even today my physique is easy to maintain. When I was bodybuilding I weighed 350 lbs. Now I am at 275 as a wrestler, and can easily maintain my strength and physique."

Toughest aspect of being a professional wrestler: "The toughest part of the job is travel; being on the road close to 300 days a year is tough. Most people couldn't do what WWE superstars do."

Worst injury: "The worst injury I have ever suffered in the ring was a torn triceps; they had to take a piece of my hamstring to repair the tear. It was brutal; I was out for 6 months."

His legacy: "I always connect myself to guys I think the fans will remember like Ric Flair, Triple H and Rey Mysterio. I have achieved so much more than I ever thought possible in the WWE so my goal is to help this company as much as possible... I love the WWE and I stand by it wholeheartedly. I try to pack the house every night. Hopefully, in the end, my legacy will be what Ric and Triple H passed on to me; help the younger talent. As far as what I achieve in my personal life, I want to make sure my kid's futures are set and they don't have to struggle like I did when I was young."

Click here ( http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/wwe_batista_interview.htm) to read the full interview.

01-16-2009, 07:56 AM
thanks for this Eel