View Full Version : Pine: 'no nudity in star trek'

01-15-2009, 10:54 PM
New Star Trek captain Chris Pine is backtracking after suggesting there might be an X-rated topless scene in the new sci-fi blockbuster.

Back in November (08), the actor, who will portray a young Captain Kirk in JJ Abrams new Star Trek movie, hinted that co-star Zoe Saldana removes her shirt in one saucy scene.

But now Pine is keen to rule out such an idea, insisting the film will be family friendly.

He tells Eonline.com, "It is a different Star Trek, but there's no crazy sex scene.

"There may be some bare midriffs, but, you know, it's been a long time since the bikini was invented, so I don't think we're going to ruffle any feathers."

The much-anticipated movie opens on 8 May (09).


01-17-2009, 09:12 AM
lol still the geeks get no nude thanks for the post Omen

01-17-2009, 06:00 PM
^LOL, thanks for the read.