View Full Version : Hurricane Helms Speaks On Who He'd Like To Wrestle, Meeting A Beautiful Person & More

01-17-2009, 05:16 PM
SmackDown wrestler Hurricane Helms did a Q & A on his MySpace account answering a set of questions from the fans. He listed the non-WWE wrestlers he'd like to work with one day. Helms wrote: "Ron Zombie, Human Tornado (think what a team we壇 make) Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe and Roxxi. I知 pretty sure that I could destroy them all, with the possible exception of Roxxi." When asked about about the CM Punk vs. William Regal feud, Helms said he's not impressed. "So far I知 not impressed, but mainly because I know what these two are capable of," Helms wrote. Regarding how he met TNA Knockout Velvet Sky, he said: "I bought her off the internet! LOL She hates it when I say that! LOL" Helms was asked if he could ever see himself wrestling for a promotion besides WWE. Helms wrote: "I知 sure that when/if my WWE career ends and I知 still able to perform that I would seek employment elsewhere just as anyone would if they left their current job. I might even start my own promotion. I壇 call it FEW, Future Endeavors Wrestling! I知 sure to get heat for that remark!"

Source: WNZ


01-17-2009, 06:50 PM
lol thanks for this Eel

01-17-2009, 07:12 PM
I agree with the Punk/Regal bit. They're both so good in the ring and together they're capable of stealing the show. I blame Wwe's love of dq endings for the crappiness of this feud.