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View Full Version : TNA House Show: Friday 16th January 2009, Dublin, Ireland

Black Widow
01-18-2009, 06:09 PM
TNA held its first ever show in Ireland at the sold out National Stadium, which is the traditional home for Irish boxing!

Friday 16th January 2009, Dublin, Ireland

Opening Contest

Alex Shelly Retained his X Division Championship in a Triple Threat against Doug Williams and Eric Young. Doug Williams got awful abuse for being English which didn't go down well with the Dublin crowd, there were chants of "Who are you" directed towards Williams

When Earl Hebner was introduced he got a mixed reaction with most fans chanting You Screwed Bret and others giving him a standing ovation. Whatever your views on the Montreal Screwjob, you cannot deny Hebner is the best referee of ALL time! Hebner was to have an eventful night later on (see below)

Up next it was the Beautiful People against ODB and Taylor Wilde. Taylor takes the heat with lots of ODB chants. Velvet Pins ODB with her finisher after being sprayed in the face with hair spray by Angelina. Crowd loved ODB touching her breasts and ass and drinking but they were wild for the Beautiful People! Who could blame them!

Joe Defeated Bashir next after Sheik insulted the Irish which went down like a lead balloon. Muscle Buster chants before Joe finished off the Sheik. Lots Of JOE JOE JOE and JOE'S GOING TO KILL YOU Chants. Joe looked like he enjoyed it. Loads of Ole Ole Ole chants, these chants are legendary in Ireland when Ireland reached the Quarter Finals of the Soccer World Cup 1990.

Next was match of the night. Team 3D defeated Matt Morgan and Abyss in a number one contenderhips match for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Brother Ray got on the mic and revealed that it was the first time in the 15 year existence of Team 3D that they had the pleasure of performing in Dublin so he announced that it would be a "Dublin Street Fight". It got really wild as both teams fought amongst the rabid crowd in the National Stadium. A fan handed Brother Devon a boot and he used it for good measure! A beachball was thrown into the ring and Brother Ray kicked it back to the fans and they kept kicking back to the crowd. Loads of Ole Ole Ole chants. Brother Ray did an Irish jig, ECW chants broke out. Finish comes with a 3D on Abyss. Amazing match. WWE never took a fight to the crowd like that in a house show environment. Irish fans are so rowdy its so cool!

JB who was doing an excellent job hyping the event the entire evening, comes out and announces J.J to the ring. Jeff thanks us and says its an honour 7 years to the month that TNA held its first PPV In Nashville to be doing a show in Ireland. he then brings out Foley. Foley mentions that when he was doing a book signing in Easons in 2006 that he went down to Cork (loud boos from the crowd, Cork consider themselves the REAL capital of Ireland even though Dublin is!), he also mentioned the nations paper of record The Irish Times (that drew more boos), Foley was shocked at the reaction and mentioned Barack Obama's Irish ancestry which got a loud pop! USA chants broke out! Funny promo from Foley it has to be said, fans loved him and why not, he is a legend in the business!

Next up was Beer Money INC defending the TNA Tag Titles against Black Machismo and Consequences Creed. Fans tried to take Jays hat but he managed to hold on to it. Creed came out to the James Brown tune Living in America which got an amazing response from the live crowd. USA chants broke out. Storm got in Hebner's face a lot in the opening minutes. Anyway Hebner lost his temper and ripped off his Ref shirt. Creed put it on and signalled for the match to restart. Hebner grabbed Storm in a headlock shot him off the ropes and he and Consequences hiptoossed Storm then Roode backed off. Got a great pop from the Irish fans. James Storms mocked the Irish fans for having bad teeth and being leprechauns. Brokeback Mountain chants broke out against the Tag champions. James Storm had a go at the Irish soccer team for being crap when the Ole Ole Ole chant broke out.

Main even Saw Kurt Angle V AJ Styles. They put a clinic and don't believe anyone who says this match was a disappointment. Split crowd. Lets go AJ, lets go Angle. Angle was in great shape. Tremendous drama in the match with Angle Slams, Angle Locks & The Pele. Angle wins and fans go wild and rightfully so! The man is WRESTLING and he is rightfully acknowledged in Dublin.

Afterwards Angle grabbed a chair and wanted to repeat Genesis on AJ. Foley came out to try and stop it and got a punch for his troubles.. This brought Double J out who sent Angle out of the ring. Foley made a match for Saturday night as JJ v Angle. Styles got an OLE OLE OLE OLE chant going after complaining he didn't hear it after hitting his "Soccer Kick" The Pele.

A Fantastic house show for their first time in Ireland. JJ said they would be back soon and with the venue selling out both nights, I can see it

Biggest Pops:

Samoa Joe
Team 3D

Biggest Heat:

James Storm (for mistaking Ireland as England)
Doug Williams (He's English)
Earl Hebner