View Full Version : Umaga Returns To Action- 1/18 Smackdown Brand Results From Lexington, Ky

Black Widow
01-19-2009, 08:21 PM
I just came back from the Smackdown Lexington, KY House Show. Overall, a very good show. The arena was about 3/4ths full or so. Some seats left on the very top. There was a very lively and vocal crowd at the show as well.

Justin Roberts announces that Jeff Hardy due to the accident won't be at the show. Crowd is not happy.

Edge comes into the ring and the crowd just boos him to death. He said he had nothing to do with Jeff's accident and the crowd was not buying it. This was an awesome promo. He even made fun of Lexington, KY and the University of KY Wildcats. I enjoyed that part. Helms comes to confront Edge and they trade blows. Umaga comes in and Khali makes the save. A tag match is set between Helms and Khali and Edge and Umaga.

Carlito and Primo b. Ezekial and Kendrick. Pretty good match. I enjoyed it.

Eve Torres did a Trivia thing with a family. She asked who won the 2008 Royal Rumble and the kid answered correctly, John Cena.

Eric Escabar cuts a promo in Spanish then talks in English how he is the best unknown wrestler in WWE. Well, this leads to a match with Kizarny. Kizarny is just unusual to say the least. He did a lot of strange moves on the turnbuckle and stuff. Match was just OK. Anyway, Kizarny b. Escabar.

Bella Twins b. Natalia and Michelle McCool with Funaki as guest referee.
Fun match. The Bella twins did their switcharoo act, and won. Post match, McCool and Natalia were fighting a little.

Shelton Benjamin b. R Truth for the US Title.
Good, solid match. Before the match, R Truth came through the crowd and came right in front of me in my section. Very cool entrance. I liked the match quite a bit.

Triple H b. Vladimir Koslov in a Street Fight
I enjoyed the match. Triple H got a HUGE pop. Hunter did a good job with Koslov. Good action. Post match, Triple H went around the ring and slapped hands with those in the front row, including yours truly. Very cool.

Edge and Umaga b. Khali and Helms
Some funny stuff before the match. After Umaga comes into the ring, Edge comes in with his hair tied up ala Gene Simmons of KISS and face paint ala Umaga. Edge also drew "Canada" across his belly ala Umaga. Very funny. My friend called out to Edge, "You suck." and Edge responded, "You're ugly." Edge is a marvelous heel. The best in the industry.

Match was very good. I enjoyed it. Good work by all four men. Match ended with Umaga and Khali fighting on the outside and Edge spears Helms for the pin and the win.

Undertaker b. the Big Show in the Steel Cage match after about a ten minute break or so.

Match was pretty good. I thought that the sides of the cage were gonna bust at different points in the match. Anyway, both men worked hard and I liked the match. Taker wins with the Hell's Gate.

No injuries that I noticed.

R Truth


Terri Bey
Lexington, KY