View Full Version : WrestleCast gets the MVP treatment

Black Widow
01-23-2009, 04:56 PM
WITH his unique character, strong wrestling skills and off-the-charts charisma, MVP should be at the very top of the WWE right now.

But the man who was last year tipped as wrestling’s next big thing is currently stuck in a “losing streak” storyline stretching back to the summer.

So we invited MVP to be our first guest of 2009 on the multi-award nominated WrestleCast to discuss what went wrong and how he can put it right.

And in a candid chat, he admitted that being overly confrontational backstage may have cost him – but added he has learned from his mistakes and will bounce back stronger.

MVP also spoke openly about his relationship with Chris Benoit, how he came up with the character that convinced Vince McMahon to hire him and gives his thoughts on this year’s Royal Rumble.

You can listen to the full 45 minute chat below - it may take a short while to download:

Click here to get the latest WrestleCast via iTunes, as well as all previous and future interviews (http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=163792140)

Click here to play the interview on your computer (http://del.interoute.com/?id=56cc676d-9492-4ca9-9ef8-c57d7fdefb9e&delivery=stream)

Here are the best quotes from our interview with MVP – although to get a full flavour of the star we strongly recommend you listen to the full audio:

On being the next big thing this time last year: “Maybe that was the problem. Maybe I got ahead of myself. Whatever the case I learned a lot in 2008 and much of what I learned I’ll apply to 2009. Hopefully this year will be my ascension to the throne.”

On what may have gone wrong backstage: “I tend to be extremely passionate and very vocal. I’ve had experiences in my life that cause me to be a little more confrontational than the average person.

“You have to pick which hills to die on.

“Sometimes if I’m confronted with an issue, rather than say ‘this isn’t worth it’, I’ll get a little hot headed and speak up and say something that I probably shouldn’t say.

“Although I’m not saying that’s why I’m going through what I’m going through – because in the end it’s a storyline.”

On what happens next: “There’s an old saying that you don’t have to go over to get over – and I think I’m doing well.

“And as of the next airing of Smackdown, there’s a pleasant surprise for everyone regarding MVP.

“I’m turning the corner.”

On Chris Benoit: “In spite of the tragic tragic ending and the unspeakable things that happened with Chris Benoit, he had a huge influence on me both personally and professionally.

“I can attribute a lot of my success to the interest he took in me.”

On the Royal Rumble: “I really don’t know who will win, there isn’t any sort of vibe backstage. We’re all speculating.

“You’ve got so many guys that can win it, could win it and should win it – so it’s really wide open right now.”

The Royal Rumble takes place on Sunday January 25. It is broadcast live in the UK at 1am on Sunday night/Monday morning on Sky Box Office with repeats through the week.

The Sun

01-24-2009, 05:27 AM
Posted Already: