View Full Version : Wrestlemania 25 ideas...

Notorious Cow
01-26-2009, 08:01 PM
With Randy Orton winning the right to face any championship opponent of his choosing. Assuming this opponent is Cena, where does the leave Smackdown! and ECW as far as world title matches and even the rest of the card..

ideas anyone?

Ohh yeah and go Orton!

If It Takes Forever
01-26-2009, 08:11 PM
Instead of facing Cena, I would love to see Orton face Edge, but it won't happen. Cena/Orton has been overplayed the past 2 years or so.

WM Card -- guess... (coming out of RR)

Edge vs Triple H for the Smackdown Belt
Swagger vs Dreamer (?) for ECW Belt
Cena vs Orton for Raw Belt
Undertaker vs Big Show
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
Priceless vs Goldust/Dusty Rhodes
Mickey Rourke vs Y2J

Hope I'm wrong because that's one terrible card for WM.

Notorious Cow
01-26-2009, 08:20 PM
money in the bank has become one tradition of wrestlemania in the last few years so...
if it were left up to me, i'd put Evan Bourne, Nitro, R-Truth, Shelton Benjamin, RVD [if he stays long enough], Finlay

01-26-2009, 08:23 PM
I can see Nitro winning Money In The Bank this year!

Notorious Cow
01-26-2009, 08:27 PM
You know what i hate Johnny Nitro [isn't his name Morrison now?] :oops:
idk but he's real good but i'd like to see Finlay get some gold in 09!

01-27-2009, 06:25 AM
My predicted card (and a few reasons why:)

Edge vs Triple H for WWE Championship
(This one I"m not sure of, because both Edge and Cena will not retain in the chamber, but I think Edge will retain due to interference by Christian)

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy (Grudge match)

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (HBK vs JBL at No Way Out)

Randy Orton vs John Cena? for World Heavyweight Championship
(Could be John Cena, could be Jericho, could be CM Punk...)

Jericho vs Randy "The Ram" (The Wrestler promotional match)

Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne for the ECW Championship
(Bourne is due back, and there isn't anyone else in ECW that is worth watching...)

Money In The Bank:
John Morrison vs Ted Dibiase vs Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston vs Mr Kennedy vs R Truth vs Shelton Benjamin vs MVP

I am probably off on a lot. It'll be easier to predict after No Way Out.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-03-2009, 04:22 PM
This is what I think..............

Triple H v Edge (SD! Belt)

Cause t\Triple has gotta be in the WM Main Event :no:

Orton v Cena v Jericho for Raw Belt

Yes thats right........... Jericho will be involved I think

Hardy Bros against each other

Swagger v Sydal/Finlay for ECW Belt

Taker/JBL v HBK

Texas lads go face-to-face or maybe they continue the JBL,HBK thing longer

MITB featuring Rey v Kofi v Morrison v Punk (?) v Knox v Sydal/Shelton

Question mark on Punk because if they have an IC Match then I dont see him there...... Ditto for Shelton

Tag Titles wont be defended

PB Diva v Womens Champ

02-03-2009, 05:48 PM

Orton vs Cena vs Jericho w/ special ref Vince McMahon (WHC)
(Can't see Y2J/Rourke happening, plus the Vince orton angle would be great to get vince involved in the 25th anniversary of his baby.)

Taker vs HBK
(Texas Showdown)

Edge vs Triple H vs Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy (WWE Championship)
(I could see this happening simply because Jeff has been a big draw since he won the belt and the interesting element of brother vs brother for a title would be better.)

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs JBL.
(Texas' prodical son goes for the turncoat redneck)

Jack Swagger vs Finlay (ECW Championship)

Kofi Kingston v John Morrison v The Miz v M.V.P v Mr Kennedy v C.M Punk v William Regal v Shelton Benjamin
(Mid card titles are a WM no-no these days)

Trish Stratus vs Beth Phoenix w/ Santino(Non Title)
(dominance vs dominance

Cryme Time v "Legacy" (World Tag Team Titles)