View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 23rd Jun 2006

06-25-2006, 10:33 AM
Smackdown Results - 23rd Jun 2006
Location: Trenton, New Jersey

Quick Results:
- Tag Titles: Kendrick and London def. The Mexicools to retain<BR>
- Simon Dean vs. Tatanka; No Contest<BR>
- Finlay def. Gunner Scott<BR>
- Non Title: Booker T def. Bobby Lashley<BR>
- Mr. Kennedy def. Funaki<BR>
- World Title: Rey Mysterio def. Mark Henry by disqualification to retain

We start off with footage of King Booker as he watches Fit Finlay and William Regal attack Lashley. Then we see Lashley defeat King Booker. Before we get to any action, we hear from Mike Mizanin and he tells us that Bobby Lashley will face King Booker. We will also see Rey Mysterio defend the World Title against Mark Henry.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The Mexicools vs. Brian Kendrick and Paul London (c)
Referee: Chris Kay

We see footage of the Great Khali defeating the Mexicools with Psicosis leaving the ring for Super Crazy to get pinned. Crazy and Psicosis argue over who is going to start the match and it turns out that Psicosis won the battle.

The start:
Psicosis works on London ’s arm but London is able to reverse things. London with a springboard arm drag and a slam followed by a rocket launcher onto Psicosis for a two count. Psicosis with a slam and he tags in Crazy and then Crazy wants to double team Kendrick but Psicosis is not on the same page. After a series of reversals and stale mates, Kendrick with a satellite abdominal stretch. Psicosis casually makes the tag and Crazy yells at Psicosis before he goes to the apron.

Mid-match notes:
Psicosis with a side head lock and then he tries for a suplex but Kendrick floats over and he tags in London and they hit a double drop kick. London sends Kendrick into the corner for a flying forearm and London follows with a flying forearm of his own. Psicosis sends London to the apron and then he hits a springboard double stomp but Crazy makes the save. Kendrick tags in and he works on Psicosis’s arm. London and Kendrick with a series of quick tags to work on Psicosis’s arm. London with a suplex for a two count.

The Finish:
London and Kendrick with a number of double team moves for a two count. Crazy tags in and he hits a springboard drop kick to London and then he hits Kendrick with a back elbow and drop kick. Crazy with a sunset flip for a two count. London and Kendrick collide and Crazy sets up for the moonsault but Psicosis makes the blind tag and he misses a somersault leg drop from the top and Kendrick gets the three count.

Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Paul London and Brian Kendrick

The Aftermath:
After the match, Super Crazy and Psicosis argue in the ring and Crazy attacks Psicosis.

Batista Returns:
We are back and Batista is 14 days away from returning to Smackdown.

Simon Dean vs. Tatanka
Referee: Charles Robinson

Before the match, Simon says that he has a problem with Tatanka because he lost money at one of the Indian casinos. He does not want to be ripped off. He says that when the pilgrims landed at Mount Rushmore, his people were the ones who sold Manhattan who sold Manhattan for $24 in beads.

The match:
Tatanka attacks Simon and he punches him outside the ring before rolling Simon into the ring. Dean with an STO and then he works on Tatanka’s head. Tatanka and Simon exchange punches until Dean gets the advantage. Simon punches Tatanka and that makes Tatanka do a war dance. Tatanka with an atomic drop and chops before hitting a Samoan drop. From out of nowhere, the Great Khali’s music plays and he comes to the ring with Khosrow Daivari. Tatanka is frozen in the ring before he chops Tatanka as he approaches the ring.

Winner: No Contest

The Aftermath:
Khali pushes Tatanka away and then he grabs Tatanka’s hand and lifts him in the air and tosses him to the mat. Simon begs for mercy and calls a time out. Khali with a vertical choke and he drops Simon to the mat. Khali pins Dean like the Undertaker pins his opponents and we go to commercial.

Gunner Scott vs. Finlay
Referee: Nick Patrick

Before the next match, Finlay throws a few beer cans under the ring.

The start:
Scott attacks Finlay before the bell rings and he punches Finlay. Finlay with a short arm clothesline and then he connects with an elbow and clothesline. Finlay with another short arm clothesline followed by a snap mare and rear chin lock. Finlay with a kick to Scott’s back. Finlay toys with Scott and every attempt by Scott is met with a response from Finlay.

Mid-match notes:
Finlay slams Scott and goes to the second turnbuckle but he takes too long and Scott gets a boot in Finlay’s face. Scott with a series of punches and a German suplex followed by a belly-to-back suplex. Scott has been able to gain control of the match and he goes up top for a missile drop kick. Scott pulls Finlay away from the ropes but Finlay is able to get outside the ring and he drops Scott on the top rope.

The Finish:
Finlay looks under the ring and he cannot find the Little Bastard. The Little Bastard comes out of the other side of the ring and Finlay stops him from attacking Scott. The Little Bastard bites Finlay but Finlay throws him back under the ring. Finlay has something taken away from him by the referee and then Finlay picks up his shillelagh and hits Scott to get the three count.

Winner: Finlay

The Aftermath:
As Finlay leaves, the little bastard sticks his head out from under the ring and Finlay scares him back under.

Ashley is in the back with Vito and Vito comments on Ashley’s outfit. Ashley asks Vito why he is wearing a dress. He suggests that they talk about some fashion tips.

Bobby Lashley is in the locker room getting his knee taped as we go to commercial.

We are back and Sylvan; the Ambassador of Quebec is here to tell us about Quebec and to experience the outdoors of Quebec . He talks in French about the province.

Chavo Guerrero:
Chavo Guerrero is in the back and Michael Cole wants to know what he thinks about what Rey is going to do tonight. Chavo says that Rey has his work cut out for him. Chavo says that he knows how dominant Mark Henry could be. We see footage of Mark attacking Chavo last week on Smackdown. Chavo says that Rey always brings his ‘A’ game so he knows that Rey will be victorious. Chavo says that he isn’t the only Guerrero who thinks that way.

Kristal Marshall is in the interview area with Mark Henry. Kristal asks Mark about Chavo’s comments. He says that Chavo doesn’t get it and he does not care how many Guerreros support Rey. You do not know what it is like to walk in the footsteps of Mark Henry or have the pressure of being the World’s Strongest Man. Mark asks Kristal if she has heard bones break or tendons snap. He says that he has heard that. Batista has heard it as well and he will feel it in two weeks when he returns. Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and Chavo Guerrero have felt it as well. Mark says that he will show Rey what he meant by his comments last week.

Non Title Match
Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

William Regal comes out and he hails King Booker while King Booker and Queen Sharmell come out. We go to commercial.

The start:
Lashley tries to avoid having Booker go for the knee at the start of the match. Lashley with a slam and Booker goes outside to talk to his royal court. Booker returns to the ring and he locks up with Lashley. Booker with punches and chops to Lashley but Lashley puts Booker into the corner and he hits shoulders in the corner. Lashley with a suplex for a near fall. Lashley tries to go to the arm. Booker works on Lashley’s injured knee. Booker with an Irish whip but he charges into Lashley and Lashley takes Booker down with a running clothesline.

Mid-match notes:
Booker with a hot shot followed by a super kick and he gets a two count. Booker returns to Lashley’s injured knee with a spinning toe hold. Lashley with a rollup for a two count but Booker recovers and hits a clothesline. Booker works on the arm while Lashley tries to get back to his feet. Lashley slams Booker and then he punches him followed by an elbow and clotheslines. Booker puts Lashley’s leg in the ropes and Booker kicks it. Booker with a drop kick after a snap mare for a two count. Booker with a single leg crab on Lashley. Booker continues to weaken Lashley’s knee by working on it and the referee asks Lashley if he wants to continue. Lashley refuses to give up while Booker continues the attack. While the referee admonishes Booker, Regal punches Lashley. Fit Finlay comes to ringside as well as we go to commercial. We are back and Lashley punches Booker and he slams Booker for a two count.

Lashley with more slams and two counts. Booker sends Lashley outside the ring and Finlay hits Lashley in the injured knee with the shillelagh while the referee is not looking. Booker comes out and he chops Lashley before they return to the ring. Booker with a leg drop to Lashley’s injured knee. Lashley blocks a suplex and responds with a suplex of his own and both men are down. Lashley slams Booker’s head into the turnbuckle repeatedly and then he connects with back elbows. Booker with a drop toe hold that sends Lashley into the turnbuckles. Booker punches Lashley but Lashley responds with punches. Booker with a atomic drop onto Lashley’s injured knee and then Booker with a figure four leg lock. Lashley tries to reverse the hold and he succeeds. Booker and Lashley exchange punches until Lashley gets the advantage and he clotheslines Booker followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count.

The Finish:
Booker charges at Lashley but Lashley with a power slam for a two count. Booker sets up for the Dominator but Booker with an eye poke. Lashley gets Booker up but Regal gets on the apron to distract the referee and Finlay comes into the ring and he hits Lashley. Lashley takes care of Finlay. Booker tries to use a chair but Lashley avoids it. Lashley hits Regal and Booker with the chair and the referee calls for the bell. We go to commercial.

Winner by disqualification: Booker T

In the arena:
We are back and Mike Mizanin talks about how championships have been defended everywhere but they cannot compare to Rey defending the title against Mark Henry.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Funaki
Referee: Chris Kay

Ken Kennedy comes out and he addresses the crowd before his match. He wants everyone to look at his opponent, Smackdown’s Number One announcer and a nice guy. He says that nice guys finish last and he is thankful that he is not a nice guy.

The match:
Kennedy with the early advantage as he hits a clothesline and then he sends Funaki’s shoulder into the ring post. Funaki tries to fight back but Kennedy with a kick and elbow drop. Kennedy returns to the arm. Kennedy with a hammer lock and then he slams Funaki with the arm still in the hammer lock. Kennedy with the fireman’s carry slam and then he goes up top for the Senton Splash for the three count.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

The Aftermath:
Chimmel announces Kennedy as the winner and as he does, Kennedy calls for the mic, but Chimmel repeats Kennedy’s name and Ken seems satisfied and makes his way up the entrance ramp.

King Booker and Queen Sharmell are talking and Teddy Long enters. Booker says that he is tired of Bobby Lashley trying to take him out. Booker says that they will not step in the ring with that peasant Bobby Lashley again and they will live happily ever after. Teddy tells Booker that next week he will be facing Bobby Lashley one more time. Sharmell says that she is going to tell Finlay and Regal. Teddy says that the match will be in a steel cage. Booker is not happy with that announcement.

Mark Henry is shown making his way to the ring, as is Rey Mysterio.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Mark Henry vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
Before they lock up, Mark says that the belt is coming home to him but it won’t happen too easily as Rey kicks Henry but Henry with a forearm to Rey. Henry punches Rey in the corner and then he kicks Rey in the arm. Henry chokes Rey in the corner. Henry charges at Rey in the corner with a shoulder block. Henry charges at Rey against the ropes but Rey moves out of the way and Henry goes to the floor. Rey goes up top and hits a seated senton splash on the floor. We go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:
We are back and Henry works on the back. We see footage during the break when Rey hits a springboard drop kick, but then we wee Rey miss a splash. Rey comes off the ropes and he runs into a big boot from Henry. Henry with shoulders in the corner followed by a punch that knocks Rey off the top turnbuckle and to the floor. Henry runs Rey’s back into the apron. Henry continues to work on Rey’s back with kicks. Rey tries to fight back and he works on Henry’s knees but Henry is able to stop Rey. Henry with a clothesline to Rey for a two count. Henry runs Rey’s back into the turnbuckle one more time and then he gets Rey up for a bear hug. The referee checks on Rey.

Henry goes into the corner but Rey fights Henry off and he tries for a sunset flip. Henry tries to splash Rey but Rey moves out of the way. Rey with a kick to Henry’s head followed by a baseball slide into Henry. Rey goes up and hits a moonsault for a two count. Henry grabs Rey off the ropes and then he press slams Rey. Rey makes it to the apron and he hits a springboard bulldog and both men are down. Rey tries for a springboard cross body but he bounces off Henry. Henry pulls off the turnbuckle pad and the referee tries to fix it while Rey kicks Henry. Henry tosses Rey into the corner and the referee hits the exposed turnbuckle and the referee goes down.

The Finish:
Chavo Guerrero comes out and he hits Henry in the back. Henry puts Rey down and then he punches Chavo. Rey with a drop kick to Henry and then he hits a 619 into the chair. Rey comes off the ropes and Henry catches him but Chavo clips Henry. Chavo slams the chair into the ring post and then he gives it to Henry while he tells Rey to lie down. The referee recovers and he sees Henry with the chair. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner by disqualification, and still World Heavyweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

The Aftermath:
After the match, Henry destroys the chair as we go to credits.

Report by: PWInsider.com

Ian Diago
07-03-2006, 09:46 AM
thanx man