View Full Version : Paul Heyman: "The Age of Orton is Upon Us!"

01-27-2009, 12:38 AM
The following is from the latest edition of Paul Heyman's "Heyman Hustle:"



A World Exclusive Blog Available Only
In The Heyman Hustle Section of THE SUN (UK)!

Paul Heyman offered his opinions on WWE's decision to go all the way
with 2009 Royal Rumble winner Randy Orton in a very interesting blog posted exclusively in today's SUN (UK).

Key excerpt:

Randy Orton has stepped up in every way imaginable, and his improvement in just the past month has been spectacular to watch.

Just watch the way Orton was in control during the big confrontation with Vince and Stephanie McMahon on last week's edition of Monday Night Raw.

This was Vince's first television appearance in six months. Stephanie had the entire crowd eating out of the palm of her hand with her great interaction with Chris Jericho and his "apology to the crowd".

So here's Vince, revelling in the spotlight, and Stephanie, delivering what could be her best performance ever.

And yet, when Orton stepped into the ring and started talking, he compelled you to watch him.

Orton's control of the mic was masterful. Just six months ago, Orton couldn't compete with Adam 'Edge' Copeland for the bragging rights of being the best performer in WWE because Edge's mic work was far superior to Orton's.

But on this night, on this edition of Monday Night Raw, Orton showcased his extraordinary progress.

Orton delivered his lines with conviction, confidence, and malice. The beating he gave the Chairman was believable, and the confusion he showed after "the punt heard round the world" was perfectly acted.

Orton played this scenario better than even Shawn Michaels could have.
Vince McMahon may have given Randy Orton the chance, but Orton clearly ran with the opportunity and scored huge.
Randy Orton is the leader of a youth movement in WWE that has been very evident recently.
Look around.
Triple H does not have a title, at least not right now. Undertaker, the legendary Phenom, no title. Shawn Michaels, no title. The championships are on the youth.

Heyman also gives a unique pro-con on Jack Swagger as ECW Champion, and names a tag team in WWE that may not be "technical marvels," but is a "a far more contemporary act than anything you'll see on TNA."
You can read the entire blog here:

01-27-2009, 12:42 AM
thanks for the read Eel