View Full Version : WWE.com Posts The Official Elimination Chamber Rules

01-27-2009, 08:14 PM
The following is from WWE.com:

At No Way Out, one of the most treacherous, brutal contests in WWE makes its return: The Elimination Chamber Match. In two separate battles of this kind, both the World Heavyweight and WWE Championship will be at stake at the last pay-per-view event before the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania.

In each bout, six Superstars will enter this vile structure - which is composed of two miles of chain and 10 tons of unforgiving steel - but only one can emerge the victor.

Here are the rules:

* Two Superstars will start the match while the remaining four are enclosed in glass pods.
* At designated times, a pod will open at random, enabling a Superstar to enter the match. This will continue until all the competitors have been released.
* A man is eliminated via pinfall or submission only.
* The last man standing is the winner.

Tune in to No Way Out, live on pay-per-view on Feb. 15 to see this chaotic, physical match and much more.