View Full Version : Dead Rising 2: Possibly Multi-Platform

01-30-2009, 07:45 AM
Capcom's Head of Research and Development and producer of the first Dead Rising video game for the Xbox 360, Keiji Inafune, confirmed with Japanese video game magazine Famitsu that Capcom is working on new Dead Rising game. Lost Planet 2 is also mentioned in the interview with Inafune.

In the new issue of Famitsu, which was translated by Kotaku, Inafune also noted that the Dead Rising team has plans to try to make Dead Rising 2 a multi-platform game this time around, which suggests the upcoming zombie game sequel may land on PlayStation 3.

"We're finally putting out new Dead Rising and Lost Planet games! As a main principle we're thinking about multi-platform," said Keiji Inafune.
Keiji Inafune also briefly noted how he wants to expand on both the Lost Planet and Dead Rising universes with these new games.

While we probably won't see Dead Rising 2 until next year, Dead Rising : Chop Till You Drop, the Wii version of the original Dead Rising, will be released on February 24, 2009.--
via GamePro

01-30-2009, 08:23 AM
Nice...I always liked the first one....now to decide if I get it on 360 or PS3...hmmm lol...anyways thanks for the news.

02-02-2009, 02:37 AM
thanks for this