View Full Version : TNA News: TNA Closes Forum, Missy Hyatt, Brian Lee

06-25-2006, 09:56 PM
# TNA's official fan community forum (TalkTNA.com) has closed down for some unknown reason. Here is the message that was left...

Closed Permanently

Check out all the latest TNA news at www.tnawrestling.com or see what's going on at www.myspace.com/tnaimpactcommunity.

# Here is some more information on Missy Hyatt's recent appearance backstage at the Impact tapings. She looked very thin and she wasn't her usual loud self. She kept quiet and remained low-key. Her appearance was akin to Lex Luger's recent TNA appearance in that he was there but he didn't seem to want anyone to see him there for some reason.

# Brian Lee was at last week's Impact tapings as well. He was looking for work.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter