View Full Version : COLUMN: Thee Epic Mickie James Underrated Rant

02-01-2009, 10:09 PM
The following is a special guest column written by WA.Com reader Bernie Robinson.

Thee Epic Mickie James Underrated Rant
By Bernie Robinson

Now I think many will agree...that when it comes to women's wrestling in the WWE....alot isn't to be taken seriously. Now I don't say that because I don't just think their all terrible...I say this because the WWE doesn't seem to be the ones that give a crap. I think at times people overrate the TNA Knockouts...but you can make a STRONG comparisons in how their women are booked compared to those in the WWE. I try not to over look things, but things just seem to be this way. Ever since the departures of former WWE divas Trish Stratus and Lita, it seems that the care in booking the women's division has gone down very poor. No more DVDS or annual magazines...nothing! Just photo shoots online which I won't complain about...but it is just not the same. They end up making a new young woman into a star...putting the actual effort into making her a star...only to forget about her months later. Now that woman I am talking about is "WWE Diva" Mickie James. The most popular WWE diva currently and clearly underrated by the creative team or those behind the scenes. Now many that are reading this are thinking hey what the hell, Mickie James is a 4 time Women's Champion right? Well yes that is true...but I am going to take a trip down memory lane...and try to get some of you to see where I am coming from on this one. Now I am going to admit right now to all reading...Mickie James happens to be my favorite women wrestler period. I mean I like my Trish Stratus's, Victoria's, Cheerleader Melissa's and etc...... but I promise to those who are reading that I am not going to be biased on this. I think I do a pretty good job of making my points. So if you give it the time to read I would appreciate it.

Road to WrestleMania 22

Mickie James came in as an obsessed Trish Stratus fan...in October of 2005. And to many I am sure they probally didn't know what to make of her at first, or where this potential cheesy storyline would lead? Like always on many Internet sites rumors spread on how long this storyline would go and what direction it would? Well I think majority would agree that the WWE went the right direction with this storyline. They gave us something so RAW, something that hadn't been done before with the women. While the story may have come off as some really creepy......yet sexy type storyline for a Thriller or a Horror movie, it eventually caught on with the live WWE audiences. We seen Mickie go from a loyal and obsessed Trish Stratus fan into a psychopathic fan, obsessed with not only Trish but her title belt as well. The lesbian like antics went over really well with the crowd. They made Miss James into a really unpredictable character. I don't think they could of done anything better then they did, it was a perfect buildup. I give the WWE an A+ on the effort they put into that. After months of build up Mickie became more over with the live audiences. Which then lead into WrestleMania 22 at the showdown between the two beautiful divas. Moments after Boogeyman vs Booker T killed the momentum of excitement (Due to being a silly gimmicky squash), Mickie James and Trish Stratus made their ways to the ring and clashed! Something was slightly odd that night in Chicago at the All State Arena. Mickie James who had all the build up to be an ULTRA HEEL...seemed to be over as an ULTRA FACE. As arguably the most popular WWE diva in history Trish Stratus received..a huge amount of boos in that match. It wasn't like it was a little crowd difference...the reactions where HUGE and very clear! And since that time...I have not heard as much crowd reaction in any WWE women's match...then I did that one. The only ones that come close to that would be Trish Stratus and Victoria battling in Street Fights...or Trish vs Lita match ups. In the match itself...every move...every tactic the crowd reacted off of. For Example if Trish would nail Mickie they would boo, or if Mickie did some type of gesture they would cheer. It was like we were witnessing a star in the making, this Mickie James seemed to be cementing a spot in the division as one of THEIR (WWE's) girls. And despite an obvious botched finish, it didn't seem to really bother the crowd...because seconds after the count was made they gave Mickie a HUGE ovation. Very huge considering that it was a women's match in the E. I say that because WWE women's wrestling doesn't have that good of a rep with alot of fans. It is moments like that...that I bet make the women performers proud. I finally became hooked again...I was so into the women's division again because of this storyline alone. I forgot a year prior it was Trish Stratus vs Christy Hemme...and all the diva search nonsense. I was finally a fan again in terms of the women's division. A now that it seemed as Mickie was billed as a superstar...where did it go from there?

Mickie James's first title run

With all the time put into her finally getting the belt you thought it would mean something. Mickie up and continued her feud with Trish Stratus after Mania that lead into...over the top, yet classic segments of each women mocking and dressing up as one another. It went straight into Backlash...but sadly Trish Stratus got injured in that match. But the good news is that they didn't seem to drop the storyline...as Trish brought in Beth Phoenix. Beth was originally brought in as someone who supposedly had some sort of pass with Mickie. That would not last long...as Beth was injured in a match against the "underrated" Victoria. So where do we go from there? They keep Mickie either off of TV...or have her wrestling matches on Sunday Night Heat against Torrie Wilson or Candice Michelle.....mind you she is the champion. A month or two later they bring Trish back onto TV after her injury. But no Mickie...or if Mickie was featured it was only for something to lead off of a storyline that was set for Trish. The women's title seemed less important...then it did when Trish had it. I still cringe at seeing the champion Mickie James standing outside...of Wachovia Center at a DX Cookout. It's like why? What for...she is the champion she should be on the show...not seen backstage as an extra. As she was backstage or wrestling on heat....Trish was featured on the show in matches against Melina or Lita. Mickie eventually lost the title still as a heel...but very popular...to an even more "sinister heel" Lita. So after months and months of build up....she barely defends her title and is barely seen on Raw throughout the summer of 2006.

Mickie James battle with Lita

Well after being screwed out of retaining the Women's title with Lita winning by the assist from Edge. Mickie James seemed to become a full fledged fan favorite and dropped the psycho act. Trish and Lita had one last respectful battle as Mickie sat off to the sidelines. Eventually they had this tournament in which Mickie and Lita...end up being the final two women that battle back and fourth in several matches on Monday Night Raw. They do a storyline into which we feel sympathy for the woman that was once billed a psycho....as Lita does everything she can do...in order to set up unfair matches against Mickie. It was actually a pretty good route they were going considering...Mickie was suppost to be this crazy type heel months prior. Her (Mickie's) popularity began to rise more and more weeks into this build up. Which ended in Philly when she ended the career of Lita and regained the title. With Trish and Lita gone from the scene it would seem...to many that Mickie James was going to be THEE girl for the women's division. Kinda like Trish Stratus had been for years, until her retirement.

Mickie's Second Title Run

This was so upsetting as a fan...to see the route this went. I was stoked Victoria was being build up to feud with Mickie...in which I thought for sure would go into WrestleMania....but boy of boy was I wrong. Mickie feuded with Victoria and won the war....the short war. Melina was added in the mix...and again....I thought maybe we would get a nice Triple Threat at WrestleMania. But instead of getting good it it got worse. They had Mickie and Melina wage in an even shorter feud then the one with Victoria. The short feud concluded on a Raw. The popular and most over diva lost her title...and as many would expect she would challenge the new champion at WrestleMania 23. But instead we got the Playboy girl of that year Ashley that took that spot. Now I am not going to completely bash Ashley...but the girl was a horrible performer. She wasn't over with the crowds unless she was taking her clothes off...she just wasn't ready for the ring in my opinion. It was too all the sudden, and well all you do is have to watch the women's match at WrestleMania 23 to see what I am talking about. I still don't understand how Mickie became a lumberjack (lumberjill) as opposed to actually wrestling. It was then where I started to doubt where they were going with the Mickie James character. So basically her second title run consisted of her taking the belt off of a heel, only to drop it to Melina...so that she could feud with Ashley.

Mickie's third title Run?

Well actually we can't really call it a title run now can we? In what I am sure came off as a shock to those in attendance...Mickie James won the Women's title in a Triple Threat...when she pinned Victoria at a house show. But in that very same night she lost the title back to the former champion Melina. So basically that was a setup for shock value at a live event and hell I am sure it worked. The only thing is we can't really take that one very seriously. The WWE does at least acknowledge that win...but again it was just a set up for shock value. I think the least they could of done is release those two matches on a DVD or something to at least make the win seem credible.

Mickie James in 2007

Oh boy of boy where do I begin.....well the Mickie and Melina feud was revised after Wrestlemania (SHOCK!)...in which lead into a very good match at Backlash 2007. Mickie lost that feud and well kinda faded from the scenes...and was back to wrestling on Sunday Night Heat or in random tag matches. During 2007...they seemed to be building up a woman to be their next big star girl....and that seemed to be none other then Candice Michelle. They were pushing Candice and hell she even took the title off of Melina...to the dislike of many fans. But I will give her the credit for improving. Mickie was seen in random tag matches as the girl that would make the hot tags in order for Candice to get the wins. From the forums I been to...and live events...I can tell you that many people hated this. We just didn't like how Mickie was seen now as just another random diva....so much that she wrestled Heat alot more then she did on Raw that year. It was all about Candice and most of the crowds were not buying into any of that stuff. They then brought back in Beth Phoenix and totally ignored the first attempted feud that she was set to have with Mickie. And instead we had a Candice vs Beth feud...which then lead into a tragic injury for Candice. But before the injury they seemed to be getting ready to start a weird love storyline with Mickie and Trevor Murdoc of all people. Now did the WWE HONESTLY think that the fans wanted to see that? I am sure there where some that would of enjoyed it...but I know many were strongly against it. And it took Candice getting hurt for the WWE to bring Mickie back into competing for the title. Mickie James jobbed most of 2007 to Beth Phoenix at house shows. But despite all that she still seemed to be getting the biggest pops out of all the divas....pretty good considering she was wrestling matches on WWE.Com during most of that year. The crowds made it clear that she was the one they wanted to see out of these women.

Mickie James and a potential WrestleMania 24 disappointment

Well 2008 had rolled in and well fear had struck me. Ashley returned from an injury that put her on the shelf for months...so automatically I was assuming a Beth Phoenix vs Ashley feud. But I was happy to see that it wasn't the case. Mickie James wrestled Beth Phoenix in a match in which she lost in her hometown which was a surprise considering it was a non title match. JR and King did a good job in hyping this as Mickie looked clearly upset. After the match they did a backstage segment where they showed Mickie upset for not being able to defeat Beth Phoenix. For the next two weeks they played off of this and it was a clear build in new fresh storyline. It was around WrestleMania time and things were looking great for anyone who is a fan of Mickie James. But suddenly when Mickie pins Victoria...in a match...and Beth seems somewhat worried...a week later Mickie James fades from TV. And where is she? Oh that's right on WWE.Com wrestling matches....what does that leave for Beth Phoenix? Oh that's right the "beautiful playboy girl and real life good friend of Mickie" Maria gets a win over Beth...when Candice returns. During Candice's return she got no reaction...no one knew who she was. So then I was somewhat calm...I was expecting maybe Candice vs Beth to be set up for Mania...only for an upset Mickie James to make her way into the match as well. So I was expecting Beth vs Candice vs Mickie at WrestleMania 24....and hell that was even rumored. Apparently Ashley reinjuried herself...and Mickie James was scratched off of the show...as was Jillian Hall who was in another women's feud. So apparently there was suppost to be two different women's matches....a Women's Triple Threat and Bunnymania. Well Mickie was dropped and they but Beth and Candice in Bunnymania and completely forgot about the Mickie and Beth feud. Mickie again wrestled on Sunday Night Heat during all this. And for the second year in a row she was standing outside the ring as a lumberjack...in another horrible match...in which Ashley was again featured in. That was due to Candice re injuring her shoulder...that shows you that WWE wanted her to be thee girl. They knew she was hurt...but they just NEEDED her for WrestleMania didn't they? And well sadly that backfired...and a week prior to the event. Online it was speculated that Mickie would be taking her place...but instead it was Ashley...in which received alot of heat.

Mickie's fourth title run

Well well well....again similar to the year prior with her feud with Melina. WWE seemed to remember the Mickie James and Beth Phoenix feud after WrestleMania. In an unexpecting win...in London...Mickie James had won the title for a 4th time. But where did this all lead to? Oh that's right...it lead into a FACE DIVAS vs HEEL DIVAS feud...which went on for a few weeks. And how did it all conclude? Well you might be surprised....it went into Mickie and Beth having a match in which Melina interfered in. Her interference caused Beth the match...and right then and there it was set up for a Beth vs Melina feud. But what did that leave for the champion Mickie James? Surely you would of thought she be feuding with another diva ...but nope it was Melina vs Beth...again another thing I don't get. She FINALLY wins the belt and instead they want to give us a feud that she has no part in at all. And by the way the Melina vs Beth feud was well put together...a well put effort...nothing like the half assed backstage segments Mickie was put in. So this would be the second time that she is the champ...yet seen backstage constantly for weeks. So basically her winning the title was set only for Melina and Beth to have a feud? And might I mention that this title run was rumored to be for Ashley of all people?

Mickie James and John Cena...an epic storyline.....maybe?

As I said during the time writers were putting effort in a Melina vs Beth feud, while Mickie was seemed to be put into some kind of storyline where her and Cena...well had fun on occasion. They were both seen backstage and making references into...well you know the fun activities. All this lead into JBL and Katie Lea insulting Mickie...as if she were some kind of....easy girl. They played off of it as the Mickie character seemed bothered by these outrageous comments made by the heels. Few rumors flew around....one was that Mickie was going to be used as some sort of a item in the John Cena vs JBL feud at the time. But that wasn't the case...and then their was another small rumor. It was said that Cena and Mickie were going to be doing mixed tags as a popular face off and on couple to help get Katie Lea and Paul Burchill over. But that didn't happen either. Then it was said that Mickie was going to become obsessed with John Cena similar in the way she was with Trish Stratus....and eventually going to turn back into a psychotic heel. But the real news is that NONE of that happened. In fact the storyline went absolutely nowhere at all. They dropped the storyline completely and since then there has been no hint of restarting or whatever. So basically the storyline was to make us believe that Mickie James and John Cena..did the wild thing. But if it was going nowhere...why even have JBL and Katie Lea insult her like she is some type of cheap girl? That isn't a way they should be making their women's champ look. So while Melina and Beth were getting good build...Mickie is seen to be made look cheap?

Mickie James vs Katie Lea

Well despite being the champion...Mickie was losing in random tag matches...to Katie Lea for a couple of weeks...leading up to Night Of Champions. Mickie came out victorious and the feud continued for a small bit. Which was ultimately turned into a mixed tag type feud. With Katie Lea and Paul Burchill being the brother and sister duo. So who was Mickie's partner? No it wasn't John Cena...it was Kofi Kingston. For a few weeks the two seemed to be linked together as a small but not memorable alliance. They lost a mix tag to Katie and Paul...and a week or two later both were victorious in single's matches against the two. So where does this lead? It leads into Beth Phoenix coming out of nowhere...with her new comedy get up with Santino Marella. Both challegned Mickie and Kofi at Summerslam for the Women's and Intercontinental titles. It was a mixed tag match...and you would think Kofi and Mickie where definitely winning....but nope. Mickie lost both the Women's title for herself and the Intercontinental title for Kofi. So in all that it made her look like the weakest link. And ultimately killed the whole effect of Mickie finally beating Beth.

Mickie James after Summerslam 2008

Mickie James after losing the title comes out the next night on Raw smiling like nothing every happened. She was competing in tag matches again like before. And during all of this Kelly Kelly was being put over. Hell Kelly holds two victories over Beth Phoenix...and sadly I think she will be the one wrestling her at WrestleMania. But again I can't crap on Kelly...I will give her the credit for indeed improving. But by the way it seems...now it seems that WWE wants to make her THEE girl of the women's division. Anyways a few weeks later Candice returns and beats Beth (SURPRISE) in a tag match. Good thing to note is that it seemed that Mickie seemed upset she was there...if you go back and watch. Hopefully WWE will turn her heel and she will indeed be on the card at WM25...but honestly I think I am looking to much into that one. A week after Candice wins her match...Mickie gets her rematch against Beth and literally gets squashed. It was so bad that it didn't even seem like a real title match...and it made it look like Mickie was never even the champ to begin with. Every since then Mickie has been in backstage segments, mixed tags and won the Halloween Contest for a second year in a row.

Currently in December of 2008

Rumor is that Mickie James is actually injured now...and Melina has made her long awaited return since being injured. Mickie hasn't been on Raw or again just there for a tag match..with no real role. And worst of all last week she was made to seem look like a joke. When she and Khali did a passionate like kiss...for the sake of comedy....that wasn't even funny to be honest. So not only is she rarely featured...but when she finally is...she is made to look like a joke? Why couldn't it of been Candice or Kelly that kissed Khali? Why exactly did it HAVE to be Mickie James? They wouldn't dare make a fool out of Candice or Kelly like that. I am for comedy but at least give us something good. Mickie James coming on to Khali, instead of it being the other way around? Wasn't this girl suppost to be having fun with Cena months prior? Now she is passionately kissing Khali? It's like what the hell WWE?!

Lack of making her seem like a somebody

This will be my last little section before I make the conclusion of this rant. What makes me mad is that they make Mickie seem like just another diva...literally. Compare that to how they did for the likes of Divas like Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, Sable, Sunny, Chyna, Lita and Stacy Keibler. All those women had their own individual character...they weren't just seen as some other diva. Mickie half the time if she is present...and if she is not announced....like as a lumberjill....you forget she is there. If the camera does not go on her you don't even realize she is present...and that is a damn shame. This girl is not some other diva...and hell neither are any of those other girls. They really started disrespecting these beautiful ladies every since Lita and Trish Stratus split. The attempts I see into making another big diva star...are Candice Michelle,Michelle McCool,Melina and Kelly Kelly. Not to mention Beth Phoenix but where does that leave Mickie James? Why is she left in the crowd as if she is a nobody?

Conclusion To My Point

I sit back and ask myself with the lack of build up...she still somehow maintains to get thee best crowd reactions out of all the divas...despite the way she is HORRIBLY booked. I don't get how the WWE keeps ignoring the fact that she is thee girl that people want to see now. Why are they ignoring these cheers...why are the putting lack of build up in her feuds. Surely she is a good worker...not saying she is thee best women wrestler on the planet...but she sure can wrestle. Why is she never given mic time? Hell even Melina and Beth currently get mic time...although their feud is not to be taken seriously on account of it's about Santino hurting his nuts. Instead of putting her in storyline...or on WrestleMania...they want to make her seem like a backstage...cheap girl? She was supposedly (kayfabe) getting it in with Cena? Then chilling with Cryme Tyme? Then don't forget the Trevor Murdoc stuff? Randomly tagging with Jaime Noble which again is something that went nowhere. To now making out with the damn Great Khali? I mean come on now WWE! Why are you not taking Mickie serious...is she not pretty enough? I don't get it...she is CLEARLY the most popular whether anyone wants to admit it or not...and they choose not to push her. Instead they want to MAKE US like Candice and others that are not getting over with these crowds. The least they could do is give Mickie a match at WrestleMania 25...why not she is over? She is popular...the match would get a hell of a reaction...and if given proper build up. I hope the WWE eventually see's the light...but with last week's Mickie and Khali kiss segment....I don't see them taking her seriously.

Thank you all for reading my rant... and if you agree then good... if not then thanks for reading anyway.
Bernie Robinson

02-01-2009, 10:32 PM
That last part about Cena/Cryme Tyme/ Murdoch/Khali was retarded. Ever since the "hot divas" came around they've gotten around backstage kayfabe-wise. Trish has been with The Rock, Jeff Hardy, Viscera, Chris Jericho, Christian, Test and Albert, Bubba Dudley, etc. Lita has been with Matt Hardy, Edge, Kane. Even new divas like Kelly has been with Mike Knox, Cm Punk, The Miz, and Randy Orton. That's been being done for years so get over it.

This whole article is kinda retarded. This guy is basically telling Wwe they have bad booking for not making Mickie James dominant like Trish was.(Thank God)