View Full Version : Clinton to meet British, German ministers

02-03-2009, 07:26 PM
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to have her first substantive meetings with foreign ministers from close European allies Germany and Britain.

Mrs Clinton is to hold separate talks in Washington with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Iran, Afghanistan and other foreign policy challenges will be on the agenda, State Department spokesman Robert Wood told reporters yesterday evening.
Since taking over the top US diplomatic post nearly two weeks ago, the former New York senator and US first lady has made scores of phone calls to foreign ministers across the globe.

But today's meetings will be her first face-to-face talks with close European allies.

'I expect these will be very, very substantive meetings,' said Mr Wood.

Tomorrow, senior diplomats from France, Germany, Britain, the US, Russia and China are set to meet in Germany to discuss a joint strategy to get Iran to curb its nuclear programme, a topic Mrs Clinton is likely to cover with both ministers today.


02-03-2009, 09:56 PM
Thanks for posting this news.