View Full Version : Rob - You Touched Me Inappropriately - Time For Me To Do The Same!!!

02-03-2009, 11:13 PM
YES IT'S TRUE, ROB AKA 'THE AMAZING ROB' AKA 'CANADIAN CRAP' AKA 'ROBBIE RUBBISH' AKA 'THE MAN WHO TOUCHED ME INAPPROPRIATELY' HAS IN DEED TOUCHED ME INAPPROPRIATELY THAT SPECIAL NIGHT IN CANADA! Of course, I mean he touched me inappropriately by saying that my UOWSB character has a lot of potential but will never be over. That was an inappropriate touch according to my lawyers and psychiatric team so therefore I'm going to be writing this well-thought out and properly worded letter addressing the situation, that should boost my popularity and also make me an instant Rant Legend because I'm me and you're you and that means we're not each other but I'm still better!

When I first started off on this site, you were nothing and I was nothing but then I became something and you became jealous! Do you know what jealousy does to a man like you... makes them want to NOT eat Canadian Bacon! That's a sin against Canadia! Next up, you want to laugh at me for not being a "colourful character"
well I'm laughing at you because I'm gold/orange my art team is still working out what colour it is exactly but still I have had colour while you'll just remain a dull grey character! Do you know what grey rhymes with... GAY! That is instant proof that you are gay! Don't believe me, then ask the experts!

[QUOTE]Oprah Winfrey[The Oprah Winfrey Show Air Date: ??/??/9?]:
When a colour rhymes with a word, that means that whatever colour you are will reflect the word that it rhymes with. Look at me, I'm "black" so that means that I have plaque in my teeth. But that also means that everyone has a pack of cash under their seats alongside their rack implants for all you girls and guys!

^^SEE THAT!? Oprah is an expert contrary to your belief! But since you don't believe in God then you shouldn't believe in anything else! You're just a non-believer! I hate you so much for not believing in Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, Tinkerbell, Movie Magic, Naked Alien Chicks Who Abduct You For Sex Who Then Return You Without You Ever Knowing and the worst offence, you don't believe wrestling is real! How can you blindly turn away from those amazing "modified" moves that John Cena does every week! He's like so zOMg the best wrestler in the galaxy alongside K-Fed! Don't diss the wanna-be rappers and wrestlers, m'KAY!?

Next up, I hate you Rob because you have this sick obsession with the Jonas Brothers, you love them so much but you're some old, cranky Canadian who's stuck to a computer because his jizz stuck his hands to the keyboard forever! Why don't you give up your sicko dreams of Miley Cyrus naked and the Jonas Brothers and you having a threesome!


02-03-2009, 11:20 PM
thats all fine and good but i think you meant the amazing kc on the last part

02-03-2009, 11:22 PM
No, Rob Is In Love With Them Too! How Do I Know?! I Saw His Next Tattoo For His Other Leg, A 'i Heart An Underage Miley Cyrus' Tattoo!

02-03-2009, 11:26 PM
if he has two leg tattoos does that make him double gay? or do they negate each other

02-03-2009, 11:27 PM
It's a quadruple gay because it's an old hairy Canadian guy who likes Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers!

That Rob
02-04-2009, 01:23 AM
EeL I have to give you props for trying to get your character over somewhere other then the shoutbox...unfortunately for you, you're character is as stale as year old bread and has given you negative fans...

02-04-2009, 01:29 AM
Or maybe you're the one with the negative fans! Stop lying to yourself or maybe all that cold from the Un-United States Of America aka Canadia aka the trash America didn't want is making you even more blind than Katy Perry with 10 girls surrounding her!

That Rob
02-04-2009, 01:33 AM
Or maybe you're the one with the negative fans! Stop lying to yourself or maybe all that cold from the Un-United States Of America aka Canadia aka the trash America didn't want is making you even more blind than Katy Perry with 10 girls surrounding her!

1. I have more fans then you could ever dream of having. This forum loves the Amazing One.

2. Truth is America wants us but we don't want them, so we compromised and agreed to call our continent North America.

3.Katy Perry is a goddess, and a hot one at that.

Stop hating me cause I'm more over then you could ever dream of.

02-04-2009, 01:36 AM
Stop hating me because I'm me and you're just purposeless you!

03-22-2009, 07:46 AM
Why not just cut that fucker's head off? Ever think of that? He's Canadian no one will care! That's like the most pathetic country in the world. It's cold, there's pine trees everywhere, wildlife sucks, and they have to end every sentence with "eh"... WTF is "eh"? It makes no sense.

03-22-2009, 07:54 AM
Why not just cut that fucker's head off? Ever think of that? He's Canadian no one will care! That's like the most pathetic country in the world. It's cold, there's pine trees everywhere, wildlife sucks, and they have to end every sentence with "eh"... WTF is "eh"? It makes no sense.

Like the 'Mike Get out here now' and 'Sick of it' they are joke threads...either get to know them or dont comment seesh...:rolleyes:

Kenpachi Zaraki
03-24-2009, 02:50 PM
Holy shit EeL has a terrible mean streak.

That Rob
03-24-2009, 08:30 PM
Why not just cut that fucker's head off? Ever think of that? He's Canadian no one will care! That's like the most pathetic country in the world. It's cold, there's pine trees everywhere, wildlife sucks, and they have to end every sentence with "eh"... WTF is "eh"? It makes no sense.

History lesson for you, cause you seem to have you head so far up your ass, or are too deep in the closet, eh.

Not everywhere is surrounded my pine trees, only 99% of the country, eh. We're only cold in months that have 28 days, eh. Wildlife is non resistant after I killed it all cause I hate PETA, eh. Eh, we don;t end every sentence with "eh." We start some with it too.

Now stop trying to piss everybody off, and being a whore and go where somebody cares about you, which is nowhere I guess :D.