View Full Version : Aliens cleared of wrecking turbine

02-12-2009, 04:56 PM
Claims a wind turbine was destroyed by aliens have been dismissed by a report which instead put the blame on a rusty bolt.

Sightings of 'lights in the sky' near the scene in Conisholme, Lincolnshire, prompted speculation a UFO had torn off the 165ft blade.

But an inquiry by the turbine manufacturer has ruled out any extraterrestrial involvement, reports the Daily Mail.

Enercon's interim report has concluded that bolts securing the blade to the hub of the turbine failed due to 'material fatigue'.

Further tests are now being carried out to establish whether problems with any of the 'supporting components' contributed to the problem.

Dale Vince, managing director of Ecotricity, the company that runs the farm, said: "We hope to have the results back in a few weeks.

"It's a job of separating cause from effect now. We can see which bits are broken, but which bits failed first is what needs investigation."

Sean Tierney, of the nearby Hull UFO Society, said the bright lights spotted near the scene were probably just Chinese lanterns.

He said: "Most people don't understand these floating lanterns can perform amazing aerobatics if they are caught in gusts of wind."
