View Full Version : Woman bares breasts in implant protest

02-12-2009, 05:24 PM
A Chinese woman is flashing her breasts outside a plastic surgery hospital to protest at her unsuccessful implants.

Ms Zhao stands in front of the hospital, hitting a gong to attract attention, while baring her breasts, reports New Culture Daily.

She claims the implants she received to enlarge them at the Kang Mei Hospital in Foushan left her sore and lopsided.

Zhao says the problems have forced her to retire early from her job as an 'entertainment worker'.

She is demanding more than £8,000 to cover her surgery fees and compensation for the distress caused by the failure of the operation.

Zhao threatened: "If the hospital does not compensate me, I will tour the whole city nude to show everybody what they have done."

However, the hospital is refusing to pay up and claims Zhao's problems are a result of her physical condition.

It did offer her corrective surgery for free but Zhao complained: "I'm a living person - not a piece of cloth to be freely cut open and sewn up."


02-14-2009, 08:42 AM
wow thanks for the post Eel