View Full Version : Brutus Magnus Speaks - Interview

02-13-2009, 12:11 AM
Not satisfied with pounding contenders to a pulp as Oblivion on Gladiators, Nick Aldis, aka Brutus Magnus, has begun dishing out some British-style pain to the wrestlers of TNA. Vision Sport caught up with the newest star of the six-sided ring during TNA’s recent Maximum Impact tour to hear about Samoan drops, eggs and Delia Smith.

TNA has a massive following here. How have the crowds reacted to you so far?

You’ll have to excuse me, I got booted in the face yesterday and it’s swelled up a bit so I might slur… It’s been going really well. I was expecting boos – I thought die-hard wrestling fans might see me as someone who’d been signed just because I’m on Gladiators, even though I’ve been wrestling for years. But the response from the majority has been great.

What’s different about TNA Wrestling?

It’s like playing in the Premier League compared to the Conference. Everything is bigger, everything is better, there’s more money… It’s the big time.

What made you sign for TNA?

My main goal in life was to reach the big time in wrestling, so I’m a step closer now. I’ve just started with the tour in Manchester and after the last show at Wembley I’ll be jetting off to the States to star in some shows, maybe even a pay-per-view, who knows?

What’s your signature move?

My main move that I’ve used to finish opponents over the last couple of years has been a twisting Samoan drop. It’s like a standard Samoan drop, but you spin and twist with it as well.

Ouch. Sounds painful.

It is for them.

You said you are the “biggest personality Gladiators has ever seen”. How are you going to shake up TNA?

Well, because there’s such a wealth of talent in the ring, you’re not gonna make a splash there unless you’re a phenomenal athlete like an AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. But with the nationality difference, I feel I can bring different styles in terms of wrestling and character. I want to bring a completely new style to everything.

Are you nervous about mixing it with those guys?

You can only get better by being with people like that. But for me, it’s about doing the stuff that I excel at – the stuff that makes me stand out – and emphasising that.

Which of the old guard are you looking to put in their place?

You know, to even be in the same company as Kurt Angle, Sting, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Booker T… it’s just crazy. I don’t want to be putting anybody in their place, but if they come at me, then they may have to pay the price.

Who have you got beef with?

Well there’s a little thing developing between me and “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan. He was on American Gladiators and he’s obviously upset that Brutus Magnus is stealing his spotlight, so he’s taken exception to that, the big man. But we’ll settle our differences like men.

You were a bit of a bad guy in Gladiators…

A bit?!

Do you love upsetting people?

Yeah, I do. I love playing the heel [the bad guy], the villain. It’s getting a reaction from people and entertaining them by being outrageous. It’s so much fun, I love it.

How much training does being a TNA wrestler require?

A hell of a lot. You’re talking about a whole new standard. I had a very strict training regime before with wrestling and Gladiators but in TNA I have to focus more on technique and fitness. The fitness levels of these guys are unbelievable. To be able to maintain the kind of pace they can and still entertain requires incredible amounts of fitness.

How much chicken do you need to eat every day?

Ha! I get through a fair amount. And eggs – on average I get through about eight to ten eggs a day, two or three chicken breasts plus steak, vegetables, pasta, fish and protein shakes.

Apparently you had trials for Norwich City?

Ah, that was a long time ago, for their youth team. Yeah, Norwich are my local team. I go to watch them whenever I can. I went to see them not too long ago against Derby. I was invited to sit in the directors’ box and I sat behind Delia Smith. She was giving it the big ones, yelling and screaming. But I went with the mayor and the sheriff of Norwich, which was quite funny. Delia, the mayor and sheriff of Norwich and Brutus Magnus sitting in a directors’ box. Who’d have thought?

Do you get much time to watch other sports?

I’m a big follower of UFC. [Former wrestler] Brock Lesnar has been fantastic, I’m a huge fan. I’m really pleased he’s doing so well, it’s amazing. I’ll be going to UFC 95 at the O2 Arena, but only to watch. I’m not a fighter. You’ve got to be a whole different breed of person to do that and it’s not me.

Finally, if you were a piece of office stationary, what would you be?

I’d be the shredder, because it’s destructive, disruptive and it makes a loud noise.

Source: BTVision

02-13-2009, 12:59 AM
Brutus FTW! :kemo: Thanks For This EeL

02-13-2009, 08:10 AM
thanks for the post Eel