View Full Version : Pupils told to write down rudest insults

02-19-2009, 05:46 PM
A church school teacher asked a class of ten-year-olds to write down the rudest words they know.

Parents were horrified when their children returned home with exercise books littered with expletives.

Teacher Fred Laband asked pupils to write a list of hurtful words commonly levelled at the victims of bullying and classify them from 'really upsetting' to 'harmless'.

They came up with obscenities including four letter words, reports the Daily Mail.

Many of the terms were displayed on a board in front of the class at Great and Little Shelford Church of England Primary in Great Shelford, near Cambridge.

Mr Laband was teaching anti-bullying as part of the Government's Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning programme.

One mother complained: "It seems the whole lesson was spent encouraging the kids to come up with as many nasty swear words as they could."

In a letter to parents, headmistress Alison Evans said: "On reflection, it has been agreed that it was inappropriate to record these words in writing and the pages have been removed (from exercise books)."

Alastair MacGregor, chairman of the governors, said: "We deeply regret this happened. We are investigating what happened, and are taking appropriate disciplinary action, but I cannot comment on what."


02-19-2009, 06:18 PM
ToBeHonest, I don't see a problem with this, This makes sense to tell them to not use these words to other children...They should learn not to say these things.

02-21-2009, 09:06 AM
thanks for the post Eel