View Full Version : Lindsay Lohan loves Big Macs

02-22-2009, 02:02 PM
Lindsay Lohan insists she loves "Big Macs".

The Mean Girls actress has sparked concerns for her health after being pictured with an increasingly skinny frame, but has blamed her slim physique on her hectic work schedule.

She said: "I eat. I had my Big Mac yesterday from McDonald's. I eat just as much as I always have.

"I think I’ve just been working a lot. It’s just down to stress and lack of sleep when I travel. I think it's all that stuff that adds up."

The 22-year-old star refuses to listen to criticism about her weight, adding she doesn’t want to be pressurised into looking a certain way.

She said: "I've never weighed myself in life. People have already said everything about me that they can say. And I've never really cared then.

"I'm my own person, and people can say whatever they want. I'm still going to be the person that I am, and I think that's so important for people in Hollywood."

Lindsay added she only cares about being happy and has learnt to accept herself the way she is.

She explained to Us Weekly magazine: "People have their ups and downs. Everyone goes through something, and everyone can relate to something. I think that I don't ever want to pretend to be something that I'm not. I'm not perfect, nobody is perfect.

"If you try to be perfect, you'll probably go crazy. But you should always accept yourself for who you are. And that's what I've done, and I'm happy."

Bang Showbiz

02-22-2009, 05:46 PM
Thanks for the read.

02-23-2009, 08:56 AM
thanks for the read Omen