View Full Version : Big Update On Mickey Rourke's Future With WWE

02-24-2009, 03:30 PM
PWI is reporting that Mickey Rourke is now being promoted by WWE to appear at Wrestlemania 25 as their "guest." This doesn't seem to me as an actual update, however, as WWE has been promoting his appearance at the show in some form well before the Academy Awards show last night. WWE officials are still hoping that Rourke will agree to wrestle on the show and have creative plans for him should he decide to do so, however they also have alternate plans ready should he decide to appear on the show but not wrestle a match. Many are beginning to think that because Rourke did not win an Oscar last night that the possibility of him wrestling at mania has increased, however I don't feel that's an accurate assessment. Whether he won the award last night or not, Rourke is trying to re-build his acting career, and getting in the ring at WWE's big PPV would not help his cause. Winning an Oscar, while a goal of any actor, is generally not as important as career longevity. Rourke and his management team definitely want him to continue working in films, and if he gets into the ring at Wrestlemania, his chances of breaking back into the mainstream Hollywood community would be weakened significantly.

WWE has an article up taking a look at Rourke's loss last night which you can read at this link ( http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/rourkeoscars).

02-25-2009, 07:59 AM
thanks for the post Eel