View Full Version : Live Play By Play And Discussion Of Ecw-6/27/06

06-28-2006, 02:56 AM
Welcome to UOW's Live Play by Play of ECW! Please discuss everything ECW here,NO SPOILERS IN THE SHOUTBOX!!! Stay tuned to the Shoutbox for updates the next hour! Thanks and enjoy!

ECW on Sci Fi opened with Sabu heading to the ring to face Roadkill. Joey Styles welcomed everyone to the show, noting it was live and that the match was being held under Extreme Rules.

Sabu vs. Roadkill

Sabu dove at Roadkill, then hit a punch and dropkicked Roadkill's legs out from under him. He went for the Camel Clutch but Roadkill got to the ropes. Sabu hit a springboard tornado DDT and then went outside for a steel chair. Sabu set it up and went for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but Roadkill grabbed Sabu's legs, dropping him into the chair. Roadkill got a two count, then hit the Barnburner for another two count. Roadkill hit a running splash in the corner for another near fall. Roadkill went under the ring for a table, but Sabu set up a chair and hit a running flip dive to the outside on Roadkill. A table was slid into the ring. Roadkill caught Sabu with a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Roadkill hit an elbow off the ropes for a nearfall.

Roadkill set up a table and then put Sabu atop of it. Roadkill pointed to the lights to mock Sabu and slammed a chair over Sabu's chest. Roadkill went to the ropes to dive off but Sabu threw a chair at his chest. Sabu then hit a rope rope hurrancanrana for a near fall. Sabu drilled Roadkill with a chair, leaving him facefirst on a table. Sabu came off the ropes with an Arabian Facebuster through the table, then locked on a Camel Clutch. Roadkill wouldn't tap so Sabu beat his back with a chair, then used the chair for additional pressure, locking on the Clutch again. Roadkill finally tapped.

Your winner, Sabu!

Joey Styles welcomed everyone to the broadcast. He and Tazz previewed the Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam main event.

As ECW came back, we saw Fertig the Vampire, who again nod his fangs. Tazz and Joey asked if someone could look into who he was and why he was following around ECW.

In the ring, Tommy Dreamer said that he was impressed with the beating that Big Show gave him last week and said, "Thank you sir, may I have another." Big Show made his way to the ring. Dreamer went right after him with punches, but Show shoved him off. Dreamer kept going after Show, only to be fought off with headbutts. Dreamer was chopped in the corner but kept fighting back. Show slammed Dreamer several times but Dreamer kept getting back up. Show locked on the Cobra Clutch into a backbreaker, then flung Dreamer across the ring. Big Show glared over the beaten Dreamer, then walked out.

Backstage, Mike Knox was telling Kelly that he loves to watch her, but only when she does it for him. He asked her to be in his corner tonight and she said she would love to.

Backstage, Kurt Angle introduced himself and said that tonight he faces Rob Van Dam. Angle said that if he wins tonight he gets a title match. He says that everyone knows that, but no one knows that since April 2nd, he's been a failure. Angle said that was the last time he held gold and when he goes home to his wife and child, they smile but deep down they know he's a failure. Angle said that if he has to beat down RVD to do this, he will because failure is not an option. Angle looked like he was close to breaking down at one point.

Mike Knox (with Kelly) vs. Danny Doring

Kelly tried to flirt with the audience but Knox told her not to do it. Doring and Knox faced off and went into a collar and elbow tie-up. Knox kicked Doring as he came out of the corner, but Doring fought him off with several punches. Knox hit a big sitdown powerbomb. They showed a "fan" in the crowd egging on Kelly, who began disrobing. She had the fan unhook her bra. Knox saw it and shoved the fan down, then put Kelly back in the corner. Kelly finally stormed off. Doring used the situation to unload with a lot of fire, but Knox hit a big boot then drove Doring into the mat for the pin.

Your winner, Mike Knox!

When Knox left the ring, Kelly was on stage preparing to dance.

A "Test is coming to ECW" promo aired, and the people rejoiced.

They showed footage of Mike Knox/Kelly from before the break. They announced it was time for Kelly's Expose and she began dancing and stripping. She got down to her bra and panties when Knox returned and threw a towel at her. She covered up, then threw it back. She started to pull her panties down her rear end, but Knox covered her up and forced her offstage.

An obese and tattooed male stripper wearing a ghetto version of Ric Flair's robe came out talking on the mic and began disrobing and strutting, Sandman came out and hit the ring, laughing at him. The stripper took off his clothes and began doing a dance, stroking Sandman's cane as Sandman spit his beer. Sandman finally hit him low with a cane and began caning him. Sandman busted himself open with a beer can. For those wondering who Sandman's victim was, that was WWE writer Christopher DeJoseph.

Backstage, Paul Heyman said to WWE/ECW champion Rob Van Dam that he knows that the odds are against him at Saturday Night's Main Event since he doesn't have to be pinned to lose the title. He said that if RVD loses to Kurt Angle tonight, the match will become a Four Way. Heyman said he was considered because of all Van Dam has been through in the past several days. Van Dam bragged about his work the last few days, saying he's been "smoking." Van Dam said that's all he needs to do. Heyman tried to continue speaking when the camera abruptly went to a shot of Edge and Lita walking through the crowd and bullying some "fans" out of their first row seats. They went to commercial.

When they returned to air, Tazz told Edge that he had no business being here and questioned his motives. Edge said that he does whatever he wants, whenever the hell he wants. He took the mic and Tazz blew him off and left. Edge warned Tazz that he could get choked out and stated he was here tonight to watch Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam destroy each other and claimed to be "The Whole Fn' Show", RVD's old moniker from the original Extreme Championship Wrestling.

WWE/ECW champion Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle

Van Dam and Angle locked up with Angle riding RVD to the mat. Van Dam finally broke free by making it to the ropes. Van Dam went for a side headlock but was shoved off by Angle. Van Dam backed RVD into the corner and worked him over with European uppercuts. Van Dam whipped Angle into the opposite corner and then hit a monkeyflip on Angle. Van Dam and Angle went back and forth on the mat with Angle getting the better of the champion. Van Dam went to the top rope but was shoved off by Angle to the floor as they went to commercial....

When they returned from commercial, Angle was working over RVD in the ring with a headlock. They showed RVD hitting a reverse kick on Angle during the break, which they showed a clip of. RVD began fighting his way to his feet, then hit a jawbreaker to break the move. WWE cameras showed Edge and Lita watching from ringside in the crowd. Angle suplexed Van Dam over. Angle tried to force RVD into a pinfall situation with body scissors. Van Dam struggled to escape, forcing his weight atop Angle and nearly getting a pin of his own. Angle focused his attack on RVD's arm, going for a keylock, but Van Dam forced Angle back into the ropes.

Van Dam missed a charge into a corner and Angle his a release German suplex for a near fall. Angle locked in a chinlock and pulled back on Van Dam while sitting on the champions' back. Van Dam escaped and began firing back with strikes and punces. Van Dam came off the ropes with a spinning leg lariat.

Van Dam and RVD began trading punches and elbows in the center of the ring. RVD clotheslined Angle, who popped back up and drove RVD backwards into a corner. RVD went for a kick but was caught and suplexed over in something of an exploder/Tazplex. Angle went for the Angleslam, but RVD turned it into a sunset flip attempt. Angle rolled through and went for the Anklelock. RVD kicked him off but Angle grabbed him from behind for a belly to back suplex. Angle scored a nearfall, then went for the Anklelock. RVD rolled through and kicked off Angle, then kicked him in the mouth. Van Dam covered Angle for a two count.

Van Dam went to the top for the Ryder Kick, but Angle caught him in mid-air with the Anklelock. Van Dam made it to the ropes but Angle pulled him back towards the center. Van Dam made his way back to the ropes and used the momentum to send Angle to the floor. Van Dam tossed Angle back into the ring and leaped over the ropes into a legdrop for a two count. Angle scored a near fall with a cradle. Van Dam hit a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle and scored with a boot to the floor. Van Dam went for Rolling Thunder but Angle saw it coming and went back to the Anklelock. Van Dam came back to hit the Hollywood Star Press (split legged moonsault) but Angle kicked out.

Angle went for a back suplex but Van Dam broke free. Angle ducked an enziguiri but was caught with a kick. Van Dam went to the top but Angkle leaped up and suplexed RVD into the ring. Angle called for the Angle Slam, but Van Dam turned it into a spike DDT in mid-air. RVD went to the top rope and hit the Five Star FrogSplash and scored the pinfall.

Your winner and still WWE/ECW champion Rob Van Dam!

Edge and Lita watched from the front row and walked off. Van Dam went to one of the corners to celebrate but turned around...right into an Edge spear. Edge kissed Lita in celebration and did the RVD thumbs pose. He motioned he was going to win the title and raised his arms as they went off the air.


Thank you for joining us here on an inagural ECW PBP. We hope to see you next week for Raw and Great American bash and Victory Road 06 coming up. Thanks!