View Full Version : College launches two year surfing course

02-27-2009, 04:27 AM
Students will soon be able to spend two years learning to surf - in a new college course costing the taxpayer £100,000.

The surf school at the Bournemouth and Poole College in Dorset will be a full-time course teaching teenagers how to catch a wave.

Students will spend much of their "study" time on the beach and will go on residential trips to top surfing locations like Cornwall, Devon and possibly abroad.

In return, they will be awarded a BTEC National Certificate in Sport, equivalent to two A Levels, reports the Daly Telegraph.

The two year course, being subsidised by the taxpayer, will cost £4,012 pounds per place. Students will also take theory lessons in sports science and other aspects of the surf industry

The Surf Academy will open in September and will coincide with the completion of Europe's first artificial surf reef in Boscombe, Bournemouth.

Gary Hart, who will be teaching the course, said: "The managers looked at the new surf reef which is to be built in Bournemouth, and realised they could capitalise on it.

"Students could go on to be surfing instructors, work in retail or go onto higher education - there are surf science courses at universities like Plymouth."

Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, blasted: "I think most people would agree that courses like this are a complete waste of taxpayers' money."

But Terry Crump, a four times south coast champion who will be teaching the students to surf, said: "I think the course is a brilliant idea. Surfing is a growing industry and it's always good to see youngsters getting enthusiastic about it."


02-27-2009, 08:54 AM
thanks for the post Eel