View Full Version : Brangelina fight publication of stolen pics

06-28-2006, 08:55 PM
Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are fighting to stop stolen pictures of them preparing for the birth of their daughter from being published.

The couple - who recently returned from Namibia where Angelina delivered their baby Shiloh Nouvel - have had the digital memory card stolen from their camera, containing images of the pregnancy.

Brad and Angelina have now reportedly hired a team of lawyers who are working furiously to stop the private pictures from being published

So far one image, of Brad and the pregnant Tomb raider actress with white feather boas wrapped around their heads, has been illegally published on the internet.

The stolen memory card has reportedly been offered for sale to several media organisations and police are investigating the theft.

Brad and Angelina's legal representatives, Lavely and Singer, have said it would be "obvious to anyone viewing the stolen photos that they were taken in private, on private property and that they could only have been taken by our clients and/or a family member, who own all rights and interest thereto."

The law firm has warned publishers that anyone daring to print the pictures - some of which were taken during Angelina's baby shower - will be held responsible for damages.

-Bang! Showbiz