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View Full Version : Val: Let TNA girls do Playboy

Black Widow
03-03-2009, 07:16 PM
SO CAL VAL has said the TNA Knockouts are ready to step up to the plate and pose for Playboy now that the WWE Divas have pulled out.

After years of nude shoots for Hugh Hefner’s mag, Vince McMahon has barred his girls from baring all in a bid to make the WWE more “family friendly”.

And gorgeous redhead Val has pleaded for TNA’s women’s division to take over and follow in the footsteps of the likes of Sable, Torrie and Maria.

She told The Sun: “It would be a really good thing for TNA.

“I know the fans love our photoshoots and what could be better than to do one for Playboy?

“And, hey, if we’re going to get naked then this is the classiest way.

“It would also be great to show the WWE up – and have better pictures than their girls did.

“I say go for it!”

But Val isn’t certain she’ll be the first to strip.

She added: “It’s something I have already been asked to do – I was contacted by a few different people from Playboy when I started with TNA – and I figure I may do it later on.

“I’m 22, so I still have a lot of time to make that decision.

“Never say never!”

The Sun

03-03-2009, 07:19 PM
I think that would be a great idea, good way to bring them more exposure.

And just thinking of the Beautiful People together in Playboy... words do not express how awesome that would be. Don't know if they'd do it either if this did happen though...

03-03-2009, 07:21 PM
:eek: She's only 22?!?! Wow for some reason I thought she was older....not saying that's bad...just..wow. Back to the subject at hand. If anything I could only see her, Hemme, Taylor Wilde and Traci Brooks posing. I could have sworn I read somewhere that both Velvet and Angelina have already turned down big bucks to pose nude. Could be wrong, and good lord do I hope I am lol

03-03-2009, 08:34 PM
I heard The Beautiful People turned down the PB Offer but they would be awesome together.

03-04-2009, 08:07 AM
i think that would be great for tna thanks for the post Ryan

03-04-2009, 03:27 PM
it could possibly help tna a bit

i wouldnt mind seeing some of them in there

odb any body? haha jk