View Full Version : Animal's Son Speaks On Working For WWE

03-04-2009, 12:07 AM
My biggest fear about the NFL is ... Not getting a fair shot to truly show what kind of player and person I am.

The NFL player I'll be completely starstruck by is ... Randy Moss because of the fact that I grew up in Minnesota rooting for the Vikings.

I don't think I'll bust because ... I simply won't allow myself to. I'm too strong-minded. It's not about the money for me. I truly love the game of football and won't be satisfied until I'm the very best that I can be.

I daydream about my first sack being called by ... Al Michaels. He's a legend and just did the Super Bowl. I would love to be in a few of those.

The NFL player I'd love to have as my teammate is ... I can't pick just one. I'll go with one on each side of the ball. On defense, I would definitely have to go with Ray Lewis. Ray is obviously a linebacker like me but, most importantly, I try to emulate the intensity and physicality that he plays the game with. On the offensive side of the ball, I'll go with Ben Roethlisberger because all he does is win. At the end of the day, that's what's truly most important. Just win, baby!

The NFL player whose poster was on my wall was ... Deion Sanders. What a phenomenal athlete and playmaker ... and entertaining to boot.

The 40-yard dash is ... Overrated, for sure, but that's OK. It's part of the process and I have confidence in my ability to blow it out of the water.

The thing I'll miss most about college game day is ... The campus atmosphere and electricity. Whether it's at home in Columbus -- nuts -- or on the road at Happy Valley -- the whiteout -- or Michigan -- the band -- it's truly a unique experience that I'll always cherish. The passion for -- or sometimes against -- Ohio State football is like no other.

Cat or a dog? I'd rather be a ... Dog -- a pit bull, to be more specific. Probably because I'm a competitor and tenacious at all times.

I've cried while watching ... A Walk To Remember. I admit it.

The celebrity I'd love to hang with for a night is ... Megan Fox. It's not even close. In addition to being a tremendously intelligent human being and a phenomenal actress, I happen to find her easy on the eyes. Do you happen to know her people? If so, let's make it happen. And we both like tattoos.

The last concert I attended was ... Brad Paisley with a few teammates. I'm a fan of all types of music and I love country.

I have a sweet tooth for ... Strawberry cheesecake.

I'll watch the draft at ... Hopefully near the ocean on Captiva Island in Florida ... with Megan Fox.

I'm getting draft advice from ... Everyone is an expert come draft time -- the mailman, parking attendant, pizza delivery person ... hah. Truth be told, I listen to the people who have been supporting me for a long time and whom I truly respect, not to mention those who know about the draft process and what goes into having success during the process. That list includes Dad and Mom, Coach (Jim) Tressel, my trainer Doug Davis and Ohio State track legend Butch Reynolds, who's helping me with my 40. I hope I didn't leave anyone out.

The first purchase I'll make with my signing bonus is ... That's the furthest thing from my mind right now.

My favorite NFL team growing up was ... My hometown team, the Vikes.

If I wasn't being drafted, I'd be applying for a job in ... The WWE without question. There's nothing like the family business. My dad was part of arguably the most famous tag-team duo of all time, and my uncle is a senior VP there now. I'm not sure if I'd be into the tights, and I'd have to think about a great name, but I think that I possess the athleticism and personality to have some fun with it.

Source: SN

03-04-2009, 07:56 AM
wow thanks for the read Eel

03-04-2009, 03:22 PM
whats his name?

03-04-2009, 06:10 PM
whats his name?

his name is James Laurenitis,he's a graduating senior that played linebacker for the Ohio State Buckeyes.
His fathers name is Joe,and he was "ANIMAL",in The Road Warriors tag-team.
The uncle that he mentioned is John Laurenitis,who if I'm not mistaken,is head of talent personnel(could be wrong!?) for the WWE.