View Full Version : Google puts top-secret Brit nuke base on map

03-05-2009, 10:15 AM
The British military has worked itself into a lather over new high-resolution images on Google Earth showing an aerial view of its top-secret nuclear defence base, which, it says, could help terrorists.

The facility, located in Faslane on the River Clyde in Scotland, is the home of Britain's nuclear defence force. It was previously blurred out of Google Earth, along with British bases in Iraq, at the request of the British Government.

But the locations - along with other military sites such as MI6's London offices, Britain's nuclear crisis HQ and the SAS training facility - are now visible following updates to Google Earth, which can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

The Sun newspaper, which broke the story, quoted military experts who warned that the online images would make it easy for terrorists to launch accurate mortar or rocket attacks.

"A strike on our nuclear capability would cause untold devastation. Terrorists could have a field day, knowing exactly where to aim strikes to cause the maximum devastation," one anonymous expert told the paper.

The images show two Vanguard Class submarines and even reveal the longitude and latitude of the facility. The revelations have led to calls for the censoring of military sites.

A spokesman for Britain's Ministry of Defence told The Sun that it was impossible for it to control all websites providing satellite imagery.

"If people are really determined to target these sites they can find these images and there is nothing we can do to stop them," the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Google said it listened to requests from governments but did not comment on the details of any of those discussions.

Reports of terrorists using Google Earth to plot attacks are now commonplace. Hamas militants in Gaza and the terrorists who stormed Mumbai last year are among the groups who reportedly used the online mapping service in their missions.

The Mumbai High Court asked Google to blur images of sensitive areas in December, arguing Google Earth "aids terrorists in plotting attacks".

In January, John Hanke, the director in charge of Google Earth and Google Maps, hit back at the claims, saying terrorists would still carry out their attacks with or without Google's help.

"I don't really think it's tipping the balance in favour of the bad guys," Hanke said.

"The evilness is in the philosophies and the desires of those that want to do evil. They will use the tools at hand to do that, whether it's throwing a Molotov cocktail, or shooting a rifle or using some piece of technology as part of the process."


03-06-2009, 01:06 AM
Thanks for posting this interesting read.