View Full Version : Spain PM an internet star

03-05-2009, 10:25 AM
A video of Spain's prime minister became one of the world's most talked about internet clips after he accidentally uttered the F word in a news conference with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was outlining a Spanish-Russian plan to promote tourism between the two countries during Medvedev's state visit when the verbal faux pas slipped out.

"Tourism is an area of special economic importance in relations between Spain and Russia," said Zapatero, speaking in Spanish. "Therefore we have reached an agreement to stimulate, to favour, to f–-."

With barely a pause, but looking down at his lectern, he quickly continued, "... to support tourism."

Zapatero's office declined to comment on the slip-up.

The Spanish word "to support" has a similar sound to the expletive uttered by Zapatero.

Website www.viralvideochart.com shot to No.3 in the world's most talked about clips – measured by links to the video and comments about it on blogs – behind Bizkit the sleep-walking dog and singer Oren Lavie's video "Her Morning Elegance".

It was the only non-English language clip in Viral Video's top 20.


03-06-2009, 01:08 AM
Thanks for the interesting read.

03-06-2009, 09:04 AM
thanks for the post Omen