View Full Version : Injured Tsvangirai leaves hospital

03-07-2009, 06:27 PM
Zimbabwean prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai has left the hospital where he was treated after a car crash that killed his wife Susan.

The former opposition leader left with a baseball cap pulled over his bandaged head.

Dr Douglas Gwatidzo, head of casualty at the hospital, said the prime minister had head injuries and chest pains. State television showed pictures of Mr Tsvangirai in a neck brace, which Dr Gwatidzo said was being used to keep him comfortable.

Mr Tsvangirai, 57, was travelling to a weekend rally in his home region, south of Harare, when his car and a lorry collided.

The US Embassy said that the truck involved in the crash was transporting Aids medicine donated by the US government. It was driven by a Zimbabwean contractor.

The prime minister's party has called for an investigation into the car crash that injured Mr Tsvangirai and killed his wife, but warned Zimbabweans not to jump to conclusions about the cause.

Rumours that the crash was not an accident were inevitable given the history of political violence in a country battered by economic and humanitarian crisis.

"We cannot talk of foul play ... until it has been proved what has really transpired," said Tendai Biti, Tsvangirai's number two in the Movement for Democratic Change party and the country's new finance minister.

He added that the crash "could have been avoided" had Tsvangirai been afforded the kind of motorcade that usually travels with president Robert Mugabe. At a news conference at party headquarters in Harare, Biti called for an investigation.

Britain and the United States, both supporters of Mr Tsvangirai, sent condolences. South Africa, which played a key role in negotiating a power-sharing deal that made Mr Tsvangirai prime minister, also expressed condolences.


03-07-2009, 11:49 PM
thanks for the read Eel