View Full Version : Details On Andromeda - Inside

03-08-2009, 08:44 PM
TNA Wrestling is advertising a new talent known as Andromeda coming into the company. The official website has a graphic followed by the following tease: ANDROMEDA: A New Era....A Unique Superstar...Coming Soon To TNA Wrestling

WNW has learned that Andromeda is the Lucha Libre wrestler Cassandro. Cassandro is a homosexual male that became famous wrestling in Mexico and across the world in drag.

Below is a picture of Cassandro and an interview conducted by The Sun:

HE’S a gay Lucha Libre wrestler who enters the ring wearing pantyhose and a woman’s bathing suit.

Yet grappling fans everywhere, from his home country of Mexico to right here in the UK, can’t get enough of Cassandro.

The self-proclaimed ‘Queen of the ring’ is back in Britain as one of 16 stars who will be performing on Lucha Libre London at the Roundhouse from December 6-9.

And he says that while some in the venue may boo him to begin with they will all be begging for kisses by the end.

In an exclusive interview, Cassandro told The Sun: “I am what’s known in Mexico as an Exotico – a gay man who wrestles in drag.

“Exoticos have been in Mexican wrestling for a long time, since the 1950s, but I gave them a new touch.

“I brought the pantyhose, the bathing suits, the feathers, the rhinestones and the glitter - all the glamour.

“I made it more fun for the people and they responded by taking me into their arms and under their wings.

“The fans love it!”

The 20-year veteran added: “I get both cheers and boos from crowds.

“When I first walk down the aisle, to go to the ring, people start whistling at me, calling me names and saying: ‘What is that?’

“But once they see me doing my Lucha Libre, they forget about the gay thing.

“In fact after the match they bow at me and even ask for kisses and hugs!

“It proves that you should never judge before you actually meet somebody.”

Cassandro was trained by Rey Mysterio Sr – the uncle of the current WWE star – and has fought for both Mexico’s big wrestling federations, AAA and CMLL.

He’s been UWA world lightweight champion and was the first ever person to win the Exotico title.

But, as a gay man in wrestling, he’s had to overcome a lot of prejudice to do it.

He confessed: “It was very hard to be gay in the wrestling business.

“I had to go through a lot of discrimination and rejection. Mexico is a very macho country.

“There were many times backstage where I felt uncomfortable and other wrestlers felt uncomfortable around me.

“When I first started in 1988 I wore a mask, like most Mexican wrestlers, as I wanted to hide behind it.

“But I soon decided to take it off and just be me.

“And I demonstrated why I was there and I respected everybody.

“So in the end, it didn’t matter if I was an Exotico or not, all that mattered was what I did in the ring.”

Source: The Sun/WNW

03-09-2009, 12:30 AM
As if TNA could get any more pathetic

03-09-2009, 03:20 AM
well isn't that.......what are the words im looking for.....oh yeah .......shitty and stupid and destined to fail.

03-09-2009, 07:17 AM
wow just wow thanks for the post Eel

Kenpachi Zaraki
03-09-2009, 07:27 PM
holy shit thats Bobby Darling :shock: