View Full Version : Boy, 6, climbs five Everests

03-11-2009, 01:38 AM
A six-year-old boy has climbed the equivalent of five Mount Everests to raise money for the hospital that saved his life.

Tom Fryers, who nearly died at birth from oxygen starvation, has climbed all 214 peaks in Alfred Wainwright's famous Lake District guides.

And he has raised £2,500 for the Sheffield's Jessop Wing Maternity Hospital in the process, reports the Daily Telegraph.

Tom scaled his first peak when he was just three and a half and has since covered 480 miles and more than 150,000ft of ascent in 62 days on the fells.

In one gruelling 15-mile session he conquered the two highest peaks in England - 3,162ft Scafell and 3,209ft Scafell Pike.

Mr Fryers, 41, a health worker, from Oxspring, near Penistone, south Yorkshire, said: "When Tom was born he was virtually dead. He had a very traumatic start to his life and spent a week in intensive care.

"It's a miracle he survived, and even then we didn't expect him to be fully healthy. But he couldn't be more alive, he has more energy than I have and he loves the outdoors."

Tom, whose elder sister Catherine was born prematurely in 2000 and died when she was two days old, was also accompanied on some of the fell walks by his mother and four year old brother James.

He now wants to climb them all again with James and said: "The best part is going down the mountains, but I also like being at the top."


03-11-2009, 06:20 AM