View Full Version : Council buys sat navs for lawnmowers

03-12-2009, 01:57 AM
A council has been slammed for spending £6,000 on sat navs for lawnmowers.

The route-finding devices have been fitted to Leicestershire County Council's fleet of 14 ride-on machines.

Officials claim the move will help mowers combat an "unprecedented amount of growth" on verges and playing fields.

The sat navs will be used by contractors to locate the next patch of unmown grass, reports The Sun.

An interactive computer map will show council officers where contractors are and which areas have been cut and when.

Launching the system, county council leader David Parsons said: "I'm pleased we are embracing innovative technology.

"Following last year's unprecedented amount of growth, we have also increased the number of cuts and staff."

But Brian Rayner, of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners, branded the move "bonkers".

Mr Rayner, who lives in Leicestershire, said: "If you leave a lawn or a playing field for weeks without cutting it then it's going to get out of hand. You don't need a satellite to tell you that."
