View Full Version : Pattinson panicked at twilight premiere

03-13-2009, 12:50 PM
Robert Pattinson was so overcome with nerves at the Los Angeles premiere of Twilight, he suffered a panic attack after watching the first ten minutes of the vampire thriller.

The actor has never seen a single one of his movies - and couldn't watch much past the blockbuster's opening credits without feeling a rush of anxiety.

He tells the new issue of GQ magazine, "I went out and sat in the car, having a full-blown panic attack."

But the 22-year-old won't have to sit through too many more premieres in the future - because he plans to be picky about the film roles he accepts.

He adds: "(I'm) not massively concerned about doing lots of acting jobs. If it all just went, right now, I'd be like, 'All right. I don't really care. That's probably a stupid thing to say. But I don't, really. I think it'd be much worse to do a load of stuff (movies) that’s really bad."


03-13-2009, 08:02 PM
thanks for the read Omen