View Full Version : Jenna Morasca: UGO.com Interview

Black Widow
03-17-2009, 11:51 PM
TNA's newest edition to the Knockout Division, Jenna Morasca, doesn't quite come from the wrestling world. The Pennsylvania native won Season 6 of Survivor by using her wits and good looks. She's no stranger to controversy and hard working and plans on using her experience to help TNA grow as company. See what drew her to wrestling in our exclusive interview.

What do you remember as your big break?

My big break would have to be Survivor. That was the first time I'd ever been on TV for more than a couple minutes. It was 13 weeks, 1 hour a week, so that really opened the door for me. I've just tried to continually keep pushing it open and not let it close!

What attracted you to the wrestling profession?

I met Kurt Angle on a movie. We started talking about what we were doing professionally. I mentioned that I was interested in doing something new and what I liked. He thought that it might go together with what TNA is about and he was right!

What does TNA offer that other promotions don't?

Cupcakes! Catering has cupcakes! Honestly, I don't really have anything to compare it to. This is something new for me. I think there are certain ways we're supposed to go in life and I constantly follow those ways. I'm always open to doing new things and trying new things so I just believe that somehow I was meant to end up here.

Do you feel any responsibility to honor the women who came before you in the wrestling profession?

No matter what industry you're in you have to honor and respect those that came before you. Women's wrestling is no different. The women that came before this generation laid the foundation and women's wrestling wouldn't be growing like it is today without those pioneers.

What do you geek out for?

I love horror movies, the gorier the better! Movies like Last House on the Left, which are pretty disturbing. I love action films. Anything with steel on steel or hand to hand combat I love. I hate romantic comedies. I hate fluffy dresses. I love Jenga. I also love Monopoly but I do cheat and I do win. I'm so good at cheating I can actually tell you beforehand that I'm going to cheat and I'll still beat you! I do like playing video games. I was really good at Mario Brothers and I also used to play Marvel vs Capcom. I also really like cupcakes!

Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?

It's hard to pick because everyone is so different. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out! If I have to pick just one I would have to go with Kurt Angle. He's the one that got me interested in coming to TNA!

Is there anything you want to tell wrestling fans about yourself?

I'm really excited to start this new venture. I take it seriously. I'm not just coming in here thinking I'm better than anyone because I won Survivor. I take this as seriously as the wrestlers do. It's a great opportunity to expand my horizons and maybe one day I can smack somebody around too!

What has been the most difficult part about working in TNA?

Answering this question! Just kidding. Honestly, keeping it a secret! Only my family and closest friends know what I'm working on. Coming to TNA is new and exciting. Just like not being able to talk about Survivor, it's hard not to talk about something you're excited about.

Which part of being a Knockout do you like the most?

I haven't been here very long but I really like that it's something different. It's a new challenge for me.

If you weren't a TNA Knockout, what would you be?

I would still be in the entertainment industry. Like I said before, Survivor really opened the door for me and I don't want it to close! I would just keep pushing it open and taking whatever new and exciting opportunities came my way!


03-18-2009, 07:13 AM
thanks for the post Ryan