View Full Version : 'Please have sex with my son'

Black Widow
03-18-2009, 12:04 AM

A MUM whose son has Down's Syndrome is appealing for a woman to have sex with him – for the first time.

Lucy Baxter says son Otto, 21, is desperate to lose his virginity and she is willing to help him find a girl – and PAY for it.

Miss Baxter, 50, who has helped Otto set up a Bebo web page appealing for potential dates to come forward, said: "I'd like all my boys to find love and enjoy sex.

"I would have no problem paying for Otto to go to Amsterdam to visit a brothel if that's what he wanted but I dare say he could afford to pay for it himself."

Miss Baxter, who lives in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, and has four adopted sons with Down's Syndrome, said she just wanted her son to have the same opportunities as others.

"I strongly believe that society has a learning disability when it comes to Down's Syndrome," she said.


"Why should these people be kept separate and pigeon-holed when they have the same emotions, desires and feelings as so called 'normal' people?

"He has the same expectations as everybody else. If he doesn't get a girlfriend, I will feel really bad, because I have sold him this thing that he is like everybody else."

Otto persuaded his mum to help him find a partner after three years of knock-backs and says his ideal woman is sexy TV presenter Fearne Cotton.

He said: "I’m on a mission to find a girlfriend. My reason is I want to have sex. I’m looking for girlfriends everywhere.

"There was Jackie, she was a sexy bird, she was gorgeous. She gave me four kisses.

"Then there was Sarah. We had a crazy snog together. It was a few months ago. I'm still waiting for her to call me back.”

Miss Baxter, a leading campaigner on the rights of Down’s Syndrome sufferers, added: "His room is stuffed full of condoms which he buys every time he goes to the pub with his friends and his collection of pornography is staggering.

"I don’t have a problem with any of it. He’s going to Las Vegas for a few days to promote himself as an actor so who knows, he might get lucky over there.

"When he gets back home I’ve lined up a few dating agencies for him to join. I always encourage him to go to nightclubs and other places where people pick up women."

The Sun

03-18-2009, 07:33 AM
lol thanks

03-18-2009, 07:43 AM
wow thanks for the post Ryan

03-19-2009, 06:12 AM
wtf tbh...