View Full Version : The Behemoth Reveals Game 3 Trailer

03-18-2009, 08:21 AM

The Behemoth has been stingy with details for its next game, only giving us a single teaser image in the last developer blog update. Today the trailer for the game was released, but details are still just as sparse. The blog doesn't give a title, platforms, or even genre. The trailer (above) sheds some light on it, but not much. We can see that it features Behemoth's signature art style, of course, and the it appears to have multiplayer support. Other than that, it's anyone's guess.

The one solid detail from the trailer comes at the end, when it proposes a launch in 2010. Check it out above, and extrapolate whatever you can from it. Tokyo Anime Fair attendees should get a hands-on with the title in a few days, so hopefully more solid information will come out then.--

Source - 1UP