View Full Version : Wheel of Fortune Spins to PSN on Thursday

03-18-2009, 08:31 AM
Along with the release of Jeopardy on the PlayStation Network last September, Sony announced Wheel of Fortune was in development. It's taken a while, but the videogame release of the classic television show is ready to hit this Thursday, March 19. Like Jeopardy, $15 will be the asking price and as the trailer above displays, it looks like it'll feature the same sort of bizarre, ape-like mannerisms that Jeopardy's contestants exhibited.

Trophies and online play will of course be included, as well as almost 9,000 puzzles. Talking trash while someone's trying to solve a puzzle should add a nice twist to the usual formula of the show. For me, at least, that'll mitigate the potential complaint about paying $15. That, and the fact that I'm pretty sure this game won't become superfluous in a few months by the release of Buzz! which is exactly what happened to Jeopardy for me