View Full Version : Prince William: I Wanted To Be A Policeman

03-18-2009, 07:41 PM
He also spoke about his charity work and how he was following in his mother's footsteps by supporting plans for a children's and teenage cancer centre at The Royal Marsden Hospital

The Prince, 26, did work experience at the children's unit in 2005.

He was appointed president of the world-renowned cancer hospital in 2007, a position previously held by his mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales.

In the interview at Clarence House he told 10-year-old Alice, a cancer patient at the hospital how his mother had been closeley involved with the Royal Marsden and he wanted to "follow in her footsteps".

"Since doing that [work experience] I've learnt so much and met so many incredible people who have been unfortunate enough to have cancer - and most battle through it and have dealt with it in an incredibly inspirational way," he added.

When asked what he would do if he was not a Prince, William said: "A long time ago I wanted to be a policeman, when I was younger. I soon learnt that probably wasn't a good idea."

He added: "At the moment I'm still doing some sort of helicopter flying, doing search and rescue... It's going very well.

"My instructors would probably say, 'Not so well', but I think it's going not too badly. I haven't managed to dent any of the aircraft, I haven't flown into any trees yet, so ... it's going OK."

The Prince also told the young Royal reporter about how a childhood golf accident left him with a "Harry Potter" scar.

Pointing to his forehead, he told Alice: "That was for my Harry Potter scar, as I call it, just here. I call it that because it glows sometimes and some people notice it - other times they don't notice it at all."

He added: "We were on a putting green and the next thing you know there was a seven-iron and it came out of nowhere and it hit me in the head.

"I was in hospital for that, but that was very minor compared to how many times you've been into hospital."

The Prince was also clear on who would win an arm wrestle between himself and Prince Harry.

"It's not even a contest. Obviously I'd win. Obviously. As the bigger brother you have that psychological power over your brother, you see," he joked.

The Prince's interview comes after he spoke last week of the "emptiness" he feels on Mother's Day following the death of his mother 12 years ago, in a speech to mark the launch of the Child Bereavement Charity's Mother's Day campaign.

The full interview was broadcast on CBBC's Newsround on BBC One and will be available for 24 hours on the CBBC iPlayer.

03-18-2009, 08:45 PM
Thanks For This

03-19-2009, 08:20 AM
thanks for the post John