View Full Version : Netball Queensland bans oranges at half-time

03-20-2009, 01:26 PM
A JUICY stoush is brewing between a state sporting body and citrus growers over the banning of oranges at games because of potential damage to teeth.

Netball Queensland, the umbrella body for 82 netball associations, has sanctioned the ban based on the high acid levels of oranges and the potential harm to children's teeth, according to Brisbane's Courier-Mail.

"Most of our associations have banned oranges at half-time or are discouraging coaches from offering oranges," said a Netball Queensland spokeswoman.

But Queensland Citrus Growers, which is about to roll out a major campaign promoting fruit at sports games, said it was outrageous to be discouraging children from eating fresh fruit.

State manager Chris Simpson said "citrus and kids' sport had been synonymous for generations".
"I'd like to see medical research and evidence to prove fruit is unhealthy, particularly fresh citrus," Mr Simpson said.

Netball Queensland's consultant dietitian Kerry Leech said acidity was the problem.

"When players come off the court at half-time they're generally a bit dehydrated and the worst thing for teeth in that environment is acid, because it erodes the enamel," Ms Leech said.

"So we're encouraging fluids to re-hydrate at half-time rather than eating half an orange."

Dr Derek Lewis from the Australian Dental Association's oral health committee agreed oranges and athletes were not a good mix.

Mr Simpson said his organisation was launching a campaign in which hundreds of mandarins would begiven away at sporting functions.

"If they're concerned about oranges, why not try an Imperial mandarin?"


03-21-2009, 08:17 AM
thanks for the post Omen